Humorous and funny Depression poems and/or funny poems about Depression. Read, share, and enjoy these hilarious Depression funny poems!
Written by
A.O. Taner
beautiful, beauty, courage, cute love, dark, deep, depression, desire, destiny, devotion, dream, first love, funny love, grief, happiness, heart, heartbreak, heartbroken, how i feel, i am, i love you, i miss you, innocence, irony, jealousy, lonely, longing, loss, lost, love, love hurts, miss you, missing, missing you, night, passion, psychological, romance, romantic, sad, sad love, silence, sky, sleep, solitude, sunset, true love,
Red Light
have you ever felt like
the flashing red light on the roof,
lonely as ever
visible at night, useless by day?
in sync with its partner next door
for a quick kiss over a few flashes only
then arguing again and again
night in, night out.
have you ever felt like
the flashing red light on the roof,
not signaling a warning to keep away
but sending a call for compassion?
using the dark pauses in between
to yell the same name
over and over and over
into the emptiness of each night.
have you ever felt like
the flashing red light on the roof,
being your silent cry
only heard by your eternal love?
Written by
Jerry T Curtis
depression, humor, humorous, irony,
Saving Mcgee
Now down at our local pub
I noticed McGee at the bar
So I pulled up a chair, A bit unaware
That he was a bit under par
He said to me "Last night,
I tried to take me own life
I wanted to end my misery
In this world full of struggle and strife
So, I started to take a thousand pills,
and wash them down with wine
but after the second aspirin
I started to feel just fine
Written by
Jslambert Mister Roboto
death, dedication, depression, funeral, funny, inspirational, introspection, life, loss, parody
Amy Winehouse-Should Have Went To Rehab
They tried to make you go to Rehab...
you said...
Shoulda' packed your bags ta' Rehab...
you wouldn't
boo-hoo hot-mess
Written by
David Brown
anxiety, dark, depression, humor, image,
on a
Written by
Jslambert Mister Roboto
angst, confusion, depression, funny, girlfriend-boyfriend, introspection, life, love, passion, people, philosophy, romance, social, sorry
Shameful Morning
not sure how she got here
only know she needs to leave
underneath the stranger
my arm numb; asleep,
mouth a desert.
a hundred dead cigarettes dance my tongue dry
princess of night
exposed by light.
get me out of this;
another dreaded morning mess.
bed broken
along with my will.
I swore never again;
the lie is half the thrill.
Written by
Pat Adams
character, crazy, depression, humor,
The Suicidal Moth
Once there was a moth that flew up to Doctor John
He said I'm depressed, I'm a suicidal one"
Doc John said, "I'm no shrink,"
"Why stop here do you think?"
He said, "Well, I had to, because the light was on!"
Written by
Dan Keir
adventure, angst, confusion, dark, dedication, depression, devotion, education, faith, farewell, funny, humorous, imagination, introspection, lonely, loss, lost, memory, pain, parody, passion, people, places, retirement, sad, science fiction, sorrow, sorry, space, star, teacher, time, travel, tribute, visionary,
Solitude: To Yoda, An Ode
Green bark a prism creates,
Feel the pull of earth, you must.
Rotates, a slime of endless hates,
Can hold me not, this world’s crust.
Friendship’s ties, isolation Deflates,
Succumbs, my spaceship, to bitter rust.
Mist, my soul forever permeates,
Lift-off, booms the rocket’s thrust.
My spirit when light returns, elates,
Swamps swell, swallowed hope’s swirling dust.
Trapped, I am, until student from fate
Arrives to learn; Cloud City or bust.
Written by
Anthony Scandrick Ii
anniversary, baby, beautiful, beauty, caregiving, child, childhood, confusion, courage, dark, dedication, depression, devotion, freedom, goodbye, graduation, growing up, happiness, hope, humorous, lonely, lost love, love, mystery, passion, satire, slam, sorrow, sorry, success, suicide, teen, thank you, uplifting, write,
Dear Michelle
You almost had me,
I wanted you,
The way you stuck to me like super glue,
I was feeling you,
But I knew,
I could never have you,
But, the way you looked at me,
The way my body pleads,
We can never be,
Because I’m too old,
And your only thirteen.
Written by
Andrew Crisci
depression, friendship, funny, love, nostalgia, places
Quadruple Limerick-The Australian Dingo
I raised an Australian dingo,
no name came to mind but Ringo;
he jumped on me,
ripped my clothes daily...
it costed me plenty of money!
Only once I left him alone;
good grief... my furniture was torn!
Oh, should I be mad...
or be kind instead?
I'll sleep over it for tonight!
All Ringo did was run, bark and howl,
mistaking a small cat for an owl;
They took him away
to the zoo today;
he'll whimper form his cage, not rest!
I'll take him back, lest he behaves;
his lesson he'll learn: good manners!
Now, Ringo just stares
to earn forgiveness...
it's fun to play with him and laugh!
Written by
J.W. Earnings
angst, change, childhood, confusion, depression, fear, feelings, children, kids, funny, growing up, home, homework, humor, inspiration, lonely, me, miss you, moving on, nature, pain, poetry, school, self, sorrow, stress, teen, time, writing, youth,
My Boredom Disease
Like sick allergies,
Boredom can be passed around
Like a horrid storm,
Boredom can catch you off guard
Hold on for DEAR LIFE!
Like the whooping cough,
Boredom can be serious
If I were you, I’d
Get a vaccination !
Written by
Dan Keir
adventure, angst, autumn, business, confusion, dark, dedication, depression, fear, grief, growing up, happiness, happy, hate, health, home, hope, humorous, imagination, inspirational, introspection, journey, life, lonely, loss, lost, love, on work and working, pain, parody, people, relationship, retirement, sad, satire, school, social, stress, success, sympathy, time, work,
Reflections: Midlife Crisis
P aranoia permeates, etching itself into your fractured face,
A cacophony of constant pressure; life remains a stressful race,
N othing to hope for, no positives like promotion in the workplace,
I nability to love, relationships lift anchor and set sail without chase,
C hildren crushing dreams under mortgages; age grows with disgrace
Written by
Anthony Scandrick Ii
angel, beautiful, beauty, caregiving, childhood, confusion, courage, dark, daughter, death, dedication, depression, devotion, dream, faith, fear, forgiveness, freedom, friendship, girlfriend, grief, happiness, hate, heaven, hope, humorous, imagination, life, lonely, loss, lost, lost love, love, miracle, passion, peace, relationship, romance, romantic, sorrow, sorry, stress, sympathy, uplifting, heart, hate, hate, heart,
Never Take Hate Outside
When you're hurt inside,
And there's no where to hide,
And there's no one on your side,
And it's killing your pride,
Never take hate outside,
When your heart is chocking,
The heavy words never spoken,
The things that hurt you inside,
When love has died,
Never take hate outside,
When your heart is gone,
From being alone,
And it beats a solemn tone,
When you're cold inside,
It's only a short ride,
Never take hate outside
Written by
Sam Ruby
angst, art, beautiful, beauty, boyfriend, butterfly, caregiving, childhood, computer-internet, confusion, courage, cowboy-western, dance, dark, daughter, dedication, depression, devotion, dream, funny, girl, girlfriend, goodbye, growing up, happiness, humorous, inspirational, lost, lost love, nostalgia, peace, romance, romantic, sad, song, teen, time, uplifting, women, me, love, me,
Your love pricks me like a rose each thorn grows but no one knows Your so full of
it as it shows so carry on now go on, go. I'm fed up with the phony and i'm
through with the tears, you couldn't pay me all your money to make up for those
years. Someone help me I feel faint how could I think he was such a saint and
worst of all I let me fall into a spiral down below. A magic called love carried
by the dove of someone I use to know.
Written by
Annie Lander
dedication, depression, freedom, growing up, humorous, stress, hero,
He Was Both the Dope and the Hero
Doping confessing by Lance Armstrong
Why tell the truth, when a lie can set you free
The sympathy card, the court jester: with slumbering tears
The windows wipers wipe the milky tears from his eyes.
He compete, and achieves victory through deceit
Does a hero cheat, his way to victory?
A hero was never label a bully throughout history
Spiderman, superman , Robin Hood
heroes never confessed their sins
The incredible hulk did a powerful transformation
Restoring international credibility in prime time;
Time after time
A myth is a myth even in the past, present and future.
Written by
Verlena S. Walker
character, christian, culture, depression, emotions, feelings, funny,
Laugh Out Loud Brawy Limerick
sip your coffee and smoke cigar
you the *** holy and mob boss
catholic faith noth
protestants’ hybrid
St. John the Baptist spurious
Written by
Steven Fordyce
angst, confusion, depression, freedom, funny, humorous, introspection, life, lonely, lost, memory, metaphor,
My Secret Prison
Trapped again!
Maze hidden cheddar eluding
every twisting turn a doorway
to the path I’ve already forgotten
a spirit broken within each hidden cul-de-sac.
I cry.
Depression building my will
crumbling into fatal despair
that rages with a whisper
as quiet as a hurricane.
I sleep.
I scream at one wall
hundreds more continue laughing.
Right! Left! NO! RIGHT! Left! Right! LEFT! YES! Right!
I succumb.
Cheddar thoughts and running
water sustain my desire to escape
through walls of scent
filled dreams of freedom.
I laugh.
Test complete. Failure.
Should have smelled for Camembert.
Written by
Linda Hays-Gibbs
death, depression, eulogy, farewell, feelings, giggle, suicide,
Funny Man
Funny Man!
By Linda Hays-Gibbs
Oh funny man you touch the hardest heart
With messages to crumble and start
A snickering or flickering to spark
A laugh a full belly rumbler
A genius of illogical and logical matter
Without him the whole world is astronomically sadder
Oh let our grief someday subside
That we in heaven will find
A bench upfront to see his latest comedic job ( I pray)
The jester (Robin Williams) at heaven's court for God
Written by
Blake Holland
addiction, allusion, angel, anger, art, celebration, confusion, crazy, depression, desire, earth, emotions, fantasy, fear, feelings, freedom, god, grief, health, humanity, humorous, image, imagination, life, loneliness, love, magic, music, nonsense, peace, planet, political, poverty, power, pride, psychological, sound, space, spiritual, stars, stress, suicide, sympathy, teen, usa, wisdom, world,
An Aquarian Exposition
Take the pill
on the hill
and don't be shrill
when you see the rainbow
when you are low.
Just go with the flow
and eat the purple snow.
Chase the rabbits
through the green field
but use my shield
to end all of your habits.
Written by
Iron Bender
africa, anger, bereavement, depression, humorous,
Am the Owner
I have my life to lead
My own precious life
If it’s my life,
Then you should know
Am the owner
The morning breakfast
The midday lunch
The night dinner
Concerns nobody
Co’s I am the owner
The owner of my life
Is really me,
Understand and bear in mind
My destiny, my life
Am the owner.
Written by
David Brown
cry, dark, depression, funny, humor, satire,
Swimming the Dark Sea
Such pain, such pain this poor heart's born,
with so little pleasures in return,
much gifts it has bestowed, unearned
now, here it lies; morose, forlorn
Alas, alas, what curse has brought this
wrath upon such an innocent soul,
its spirit broken by this tragic role
like Atlas or more so, Sisyphus
Fall down again from feet to knees
to plumb the dark and dreary depths,
the length and seemingly infinite breadth
of this warm, salty sea of self-pity
These murky waters, born from tears
these waves and tides that chop and churn,
these silent sobs leave one to yearn
for one small thing; a tender ear
Written by
John Fenn
dedication, depression, funny, life
Gardeners Lament
The weeds that grow upon the lawn
Continue growing when they’re shorn
Though treated with a herbicide
It’s no surprise that none have died
The chemicals that you apply
Should make them shrivel up and die
But only seem to feed and nourish
Makes them grow and makes them flourish
Don’t sit there feeling all forlorn
Regarding such a sickly lawn
There’s one solution guaranteed
To eradicate, that awful weed
Get up, go out, put on your coat
Buy yourself a nanny goat
© John W Fenn 21-08-2009
Written by
Jslambert Mister Roboto
confusion, death, depression, fear, forgiveness, friendship, funny, happiness, health, hope, imagination, loss, lost love, sad, uplifting,
Poetic Prescription:
NO REFILLS---Dr. P. Soupenstein
Rx *7563287 BEC 11/11/11
Seems to me,
what you need
for healing this condition...
is something real
you can feel
to ease this mean affliction
Patient please
accept from me
this poetry prescription:
( <_____PUSH & TURN_____> )
Take ONE positive poem
Read ORALLY 2 times BY MOUTH -----
Every 4-6 HOURS AS NEEDED for the pain
Blues and belly aches will dissipate
resulting in healthy energy gains
-Alcohol may intensify the effect of being drowsy
attempting to read while operating machines...
will cause you to drive lousy.
Written by
Katherine Stella
adventure, caregiving, childhood, depression, education, family, fantasy, forgiveness, funny, health, imagination, life, people, recovery from..., visionary
Lock Up
< once there was a girl locked in closet
dear old dad said well thats what you get
little did he come know
let out by little bro
but recaptured by moms fishing net
Entry For Leighann Anderson's
Sea Of Words Contest
G.L. All
Written by
Marilyn Williams
depression, faith, for him, funny, future, memory, time,
Do I Remember
I write it, but remember not.
I say it, but forget me not.
I feel it how it has to come,
did I not feel like a perfect bum.
So what it is I am trying to remember,
my place and where I was December.
Written by
Brian Cooper
character, crazy, depression, emotions, how i feel, humor, psychological,
Bipolar Zen
Unhappy face then
Happy face now forms again
Zen a transitory friend
Copyright 3/11/14