Humorous and funny Dedication poems and/or funny poems about Dedication. Read, share, and enjoy these hilarious Dedication funny poems!
Written by
Jack Ellison
Jan - the Giggle Queen
My sister Jan, y'all know who I mean
Joined the Soup and became a giggle machine
Big laughs galore
Leaves us wanting more
Giggle Queen of the Soup, brings joy to the scene
© Jack Ellison 2015
Written by
Nandita Das
dedication, humorous,
I Am Nan -No Relation of Jan
I am Nan, no relation of Jan
Just an admirer and a fan
Her poems are well read
Mine are masterpieces (only in my head)
So you see I can't do what she can.
I am Nan, no relation of Jan
Just an admirer and a fan
Her sense of humor is godsent
Mine would be too if it wasn't absent
So you see I can't do what she can.
I am Nan, no relation of Jan
Just an admirer and a fan
Her sense of humour is very fine
I wrack my brains can't find mine
So you see I can't do what she can
I am Nan, no relation of Jan
Just an admirer and a fan
You say we are poles apart?
But we looked so similar at the start
Shortened my name to Nan so I can, like Jan.
26th APRIL 2015
Written by
Dan Keir
adventure, dedication, freedom, home, hope, humorous, imagination, inspirational, introspection, journey, life, lonely, loss, lost, metaphor, mystery, nature, nostalgia, people, political, sad, satire, social, sorrow, spiritual, success, time, travel, uplifting, urban, visionary, war, write,
The Internet: Rtrn
A void of Facebook
Creativity dies here...
Written by
Deborah Burch
birthday, dedication, funny, happy,
Happy Belated Birthday Anne-Lise
? ?
7.27.2012©deborah burch
Written by
Katrina Salem
adventure, art, confusion, daughter, dedication, devotion, fantasy, funny, growing up, happiness, hope, imagination, inspirational, life, love, mystery, nature, on work and working, on writing and words, passion, peace, romance, social, sympathy, teen, thank you, time, travel, tribute, uplifting, visionary, words,
Enigma's Calling
Extraordinary, I am
Craving for unusual thoughts
Endless exploration without boundary
Understanding the gift I shouldn't fought
Invisible drawings in my mind
Playing with the words in my head
My passion
The food of my soul
I feel so lucky
The random thoughts
A lifetime companion
A self esteem builder
A goal planner
Be my forever life saver
I write more
I talk less
I want to please
I chose to bore
What tickles me the most
Is to know what I'm for
Thinking is my love
When my mind goes empty
That's when I hate
My day dreaming lust
Organizing things in my mind
Playing roles of simulation
Where images of art is my vision
And words of attitude is my heart
Written by
Jslambert Mister Roboto
death, dedication, depression, funeral, funny, inspirational, introspection, life, loss, parody
Amy Winehouse-Should Have Went To Rehab
They tried to make you go to Rehab...
you said...
Shoulda' packed your bags ta' Rehab...
you wouldn't
boo-hoo hot-mess
Written by
Kp Nunez
dedication, humor,
The Wulf of Poetrysoup
There once was a boy named John
He knew how to have some fun
Now he's grown up to be
Wulf of Nonsense Alley
His rhymes are intended pun.
16 March 2015
11:00 AM
Written by
Ann Rich
dedication, devotion, faith, funny, inspirational, introspection, life, mystery, parody, people
I am looking right at you and you don’t even know it.
I will deter your intent and throw you off a steep cliff.
But in the air will be my snuff and gruff you can sniff.
Eventually I will have some sort of mercy of just a bit.
Surely we are above empowering manners of tat for tit.
Maybe I’ll light a scented candle and blow you my whiff.
Or maybe I will strand you grounding your bones to stiff.
Opposed or decomposed and still composed I won’t quit.
Upside down,
Inside or out,
I’ll throw down.
I am the clout.
Don’t mistake my identity,
Either or, it’s your eternity.
® Registered: Ann Rich 2009
Written by
Arthur Vaso
dedication, humorous, philosophy, poets,
David Meade
David Meade
It’s been over a month
And not a verse, or line
No limerick or witty fair
No Haiku or Hitachi or Kyoto flair
Left with no choice
No new material to feed
We must come up with those albums
Of compilations indeed
The top 20 hits of David Meade
David Meade’s best Love poems
Top Hits 2014 of David Meade
David Meade says Haiku to you
Top 10 Dancing poems by David Meade
Haiku Haiku its poems of Meade we do
Written by
Freddie Robinson Jr.
appreciation, dedication, humorous,
This Clerihew's For You
Don't cross swords with A Poet Destroyer,
pretentious jousts really do annoy her
Her weapon of choice: a crossbow or a saber
she'll Cupid your mind, turn your rhymes to confetti paper
Dedicated to Poet Destroyer for being the first one to welcome the Romantic Warrior to the Poetry Soup community. Much love to you.
Written by
Doris Culverhouse
dedication, friendship, funny, thank you,
Carolyn Devonshire
Sunny day golden locks
Friends till the end or in hock
Cheery jewels and holly socks
Entertain us with your verse
Until they take us away in a hearse
Poetess the mostest and a lovely hostess
Holiday with a snowflake princess
Thank you for my lovely cheering wishes
Surprised me into a better day!!
Written by
Rhonda Hero Aka Hero-Wilson
animals, dedication, funny, happiness, imagination, life, peace, uplifting, visionary
* On the Horizon
Out on the horizon dances the animals,
free from their bondage that held them once.
They are hidden well you must look hard to see
them through the brush, grass, and the trees.
Enemies, prey for others to eat they were once but,
but now they all are dancing free out on the horizon.
Dedicated to: Dane Ann Smith-Johnson
with Love from: The Keeper (as I said this is what
Heaven must be like.)
Written by
Robert Pettit
dedication, humorous,
Tom Lehrer
I laughed so hard, I would almost gag
while I listened to your ditty “The Vatican Rag”.
Why was a Harvard PhD mathematician
performing on stage as a musician?
You tickled the ivories on your piano
while you let your humorous lyrics flow.
With your witty comments, you put on a show.
You were a master at sociological satire
until the day you would retire.
Written by
Arthur Vaso
appreciation, art, dedication, hilarious, humor,
Never Be Blue If You Can Be Cyan
I have to ask of my good friend Jan
who lives far away on the isle of man
why on earth you went for a silly brain scan?
I would like to know what's up, what's the plan?
Is it to prove once and for all
that women are superior and smarter than man?
surely if true, all the blondes will fast become fans
however if correct, you can no longer call me Sam
you'll have to call me Sandra now, or I wont give a dam
come to think of it, I am so smart I might become tran
if you think I am funny, I am, I am Borat from Kazakhstan
I am, I am, I am Sandra not Sam
Written by
Joe Dimino
cute love, dedication, destiny, devotion, humorous, love, wisdom,
A Headlight On My Deer
There is no right way...
there are only wrong
ways – there is no
Luke-warm love, for
love is not a portion
nor temperature...not
a two-step – but a toward
You Step. And we know love
when we see it...let it
happen~yes, free it!
Too often we flee it;
failures leave a lasting
mark – making us Leary
of future spark – once a
flame ignited, and then
smothered out, can leave
a nasty ash; better to make
the dash~yes, run. Before
the heart is barbecued~
But no one has ever won
if not a wager on the board
of life – just ask my very
wise wife – who made a purse
out of a sow's ear...her headlight
on my deer.
Written by
Trinity Chasara
addiction, cute love, dedication, devotion, funny love, love,
I Love the Sound of Your Voice
I love the sound of your voice
My heart sings when you speak
Turns into symphonies and orchestras
Of sweet melodious bliss
That when my ear tastes
My inner joy swells and abounds
Like a river in spate
Unfettered, deep, and resounding
Fresh as the medleys of life
That feed from infinite vastness
I love the sound of your voice
It is soft as doves, captivating and beautiful
Granted to hear now and ever after
Through morning, noon and night
Summer, winter and spring
Then I would gather each sentiment
Like lilies and toss
Each scent that is hope and peace
Upon the bed of my soul
Where the voice that I love to hear
Would come to me with angel kisses
And be my lullaby.
Written by
Dan Keir
adventure, angst, confusion, dark, dedication, depression, devotion, education, faith, farewell, funny, humorous, imagination, introspection, lonely, loss, lost, memory, pain, parody, passion, people, places, retirement, sad, science fiction, sorrow, sorry, space, star, teacher, time, travel, tribute, visionary,
Solitude: To Yoda, An Ode
Green bark a prism creates,
Feel the pull of earth, you must.
Rotates, a slime of endless hates,
Can hold me not, this world’s crust.
Friendship’s ties, isolation Deflates,
Succumbs, my spaceship, to bitter rust.
Mist, my soul forever permeates,
Lift-off, booms the rocket’s thrust.
My spirit when light returns, elates,
Swamps swell, swallowed hope’s swirling dust.
Trapped, I am, until student from fate
Arrives to learn; Cloud City or bust.
Written by
Skat A
adventure, animal, dedication, funny, imagination,
Zoo Unicorn
Seeing the posting of the zoo unicorn
Could not wait to go see his horn
My eyes just could not believe
The boy I had been deceived
Poor horse got thrown a lot of popcorn
a Linda-Marie = (contest) =
Written by
J.W. Earnings
anger, childhood, class, confusion, crazy, dedication, children, kids, funny, growing up, growth, high school, how i feel, innocence, inspiration, life, middle school, people, rights, school, social, stress, student, teacher, teen, teenage, time, today, truth, words, writing, youth,
Bladder Problems In Class
Numbers on
White board…names written hori-
Students ask
To go pee…right when class starts –
THAT’S just wrong…
Bathroom line
Of students who have bladder
Problems – WOW!
People are
Not using lunchtime to do
Their business
No one knows
When to do their duties – SER-
Written by
Katherine Stella
childhood, daughter, dedication, devotion, education, family, children, funny, happiness, health, imagination, inspirational, life, love, people, philosophy, thank you, uplifting, visionary
Quit Running
mom say's
quit running !!!!
Written by
Anthony Scandrick Ii
anniversary, baby, beautiful, beauty, caregiving, child, childhood, confusion, courage, dark, dedication, depression, devotion, freedom, goodbye, graduation, growing up, happiness, hope, humorous, lonely, lost love, love, mystery, passion, satire, slam, sorrow, sorry, success, suicide, teen, thank you, uplifting, write,
Dear Michelle
You almost had me,
I wanted you,
The way you stuck to me like super glue,
I was feeling you,
But I knew,
I could never have you,
But, the way you looked at me,
The way my body pleads,
We can never be,
Because I’m too old,
And your only thirteen.
Written by
Katherine Stella
adventure, dedication, fantasy, funny, happiness, imagination, inspirational, parody, people, philosophy, thank you, uplifting, visionary
I Am Woman Hear Me Roar
I am strong as that of a mighty eagle
Won't back down to predators
I am strong that of atlas
Can carry the world on my shoulders
I am strong that of a loco motive
Reaching final destinations
I am strong that of God
Only within His calling
For the hand who touches
Is the man saved
I have the willpower
To see it through
I have structure
To make it happen
I have knowledge
To share unto others
For I am woman
Hear me Roar
Entry For Rambling Poet's
I Am Strong Contest
Written by
J.W. Earnings
childhood, dedication, food, children, kids, funny, happiness, happy, humorous, inspirational, life, passion, uplifting,
Cookies are addictive!
OoOoH! Here's one to snatch!
Okay...where's the chocolate chips?
Kraving too many of these treats
I want some now! But...I might get beeefy...
Every bite is mouthwatering, soft and crisp
Should I take another cookie?
Written by
Nya Johnson
black african american, childhood, dedication, funeral, girl, goodbye, growing up, humorous, satire, teen, thank you, tribute, happy, happy,
Rip Curfew
Thank you for being in my life,
to think you were only broken twice,
you taught me how not to be late,
and how to get my timing straight,
my mother made you and loved you too,
she stayed up at night to make sure you show true,
I'm not going to say I'm happy you're gone
but i do rue the day you were spawn
now that I'm 18, you've done your job,
I'm happy you will no longer make my heart throb,
with every minute that i am late,
made my life full of hate,
so thank you curfew, and thanks a lot,
now my own schedule will take your spot.
Written by
Gene Bourne
allusion, confusion, dedication, emotions, feelings, first love, funny, funny love, humorous, relationship, social,
A Boxcar Named Desire
No, we weren't a couple one expected.
"What could she be thinking", one reflected.
Yet we held an undefined attraction;
Some subconscious neuron interaction.
After weeks we gathered our composure
Time to face my parents' first exposure.
True, your looks were just a bit off kelter(sic).
Poets often live at homeless shelters.
Mother stiffened, held her throat, and gasped.
Father never moved, in shock perhaps.
Then we vowed to do what we must do.
Freight trains leave at seven, ten and two.
Gene Bourne