Funny Poems About Crystalline or Crystalline Funny Poems

Humorous and funny Crystalline poems and/or funny poems about Crystalline. Read, share, and enjoy these hilarious Crystalline funny poems!

Written by Brian Strand
Categories: food, funny, nature


apples overhang the orchard wall,
sun-kissed drapes now about to fall.

hedgerows ablaze with succulent sweets
will-power melts in a crumble

inspired by Constance's contest

Written by Anthony Biaanco
Categories: funny, nostalgia,

Snow Flake

summer snowflake...the ice cream man drifts by

Written by Doris Culverhouse
Categories: education, funny, science


Intrals lying on the table
Shark disection, parasites exposed

Written by Tahera Mannan
Categories: funny, imagination,

Multicoloured Tutu

multicoloured new tutu
a favourite headgear for the prince's ball

Written by Malcolm Carr
Categories: funny


I'm sorry I don't like coffee
It's just not my cup of tea

Written by Shane Solomon
Categories: funny, political,

Vote Or Die Or Just Vote

Standing at the White house today
Making riots.... Here comes C I A!

Written by A Rambling Righting Riley - Shauna Riley
Categories: funny

I Stand By My Quote

This just might be a deal breaker,
But I do sound smarter on paper!

A Rambling Righting Riley (Shauna Riley Morrison)

For Linda-Marie's "Quote Me" Contest

Written by Dale Gregory Cozart
Categories: humor,

Planning For Retirement

I will not go for collagen,
I'll just stay away from halogen.

Written by Molly Cooper
Categories: funny, happiness

Laughter Is the Best Medicine

~Silent Laughter, laughter with style

 It hurts to smile, oh once in a while~

Written by Paula Goldsmith
Categories: fun, green, humor, march, uplifting,

Lucky Pockets

wow ~ luck now fills all my pockets
overflowing with four leaf clovers
Date Written: 2/26/2023
"4 Place"
Note: St Patrick's Day will be here soon.

Written by Barbara Gorelick
Categories: funny, life


After seasoned hours in the kitchen the cook hates to hear.."please pass the salt"
For the PASS contest....

Written by Marissa Faries
Categories: character, cute, funny, girl, humorous, woman, women,

Alpha Woman

She's cute, but also a beaut who's such
A brute she'll give you the boot.

Written by Jeff Kyser
Categories: humorous, space,

It's Cold In Space

On the ISS, seems sex is banned;
    The situation's well in hand...

Written by Gershon Wolf
Categories: giggle, identity, kid,

Un-Eclectic Preference

How would you like to be named 'Scratchy?'
       ~ Well, I'd prefer it to 'Latch-key'

Written by John Lawless
Categories: humor, valentines day,

Two For One

I gave my Valentine's heart to you
now I have none and you have two.


A Valentine Crystalline Poetry Contest
Kim Rodrigues - sponsor

Written by Marissa Faries
Categories: drink, humor,

Bottle of Cooler

Split splat against my nose it goes, 
Nothing I can do about that though.

Written by Panagiota Romios
Categories: god, humor,

God and I

I do ponder what He must think.
Of my addiction to quill and ink!

July 29, 2019
7:30 pm PST

Written by Marissa Faries
Categories: fear, funny, giggle, nature, summer,


Just saw a huge dragonfly fly by,
As I screamed aloud alone, "Why?!"

Written by Marissa Faries
Categories: addiction, allusion, crazy, drug, funny, mental illness, psychological,

High Stakes

Trippy hippie likes risky frisky.
Doing gambles of one's living.

Written by Caren Krutsinger
Categories: humorous,

We All Need a Three D Mirror

Too bad practically no one these days has a three-dimensional mirror.
She would not wear those form-fitting pants if she could see her rear.

Written by Marissa Faries
Categories: addiction, drug, humor,


Holding up this lit cigarette,
Like tiny trumpet in fingertips.

Written by Marissa Faries
Categories: food, funny, humor, humorous,

No Use Crying Over Spilt Jam

Jams and jams gather all around
As I shatter glass jars on the ground.

Written by Marissa Faries
Categories: addiction, drug, funny, health, humor, humorous, mental illness,


Love my folks, moreso love my tokes.
Although I ought to stop my jokes.

Written by Marissa Faries
Categories: humor, irony, poetess, poetry, poets, write, writing,

Poet's Policy

I use names unironically,
So save yourself the flattery.

Written by Marissa Faries
Categories: friendship, friendship love, funny,

The Power Of Suggestion

Everyone thought we were more than bros,
But really we're hopeless hoes.