Humorous and funny Cowboy poems and/or funny poems about Cowboy. Read, share, and enjoy these hilarious Cowboy funny poems! Also, try our sister website's powerful search engine for poems or see our other Cowboy Poems.
Poem Details | by
Terry Flood |
Why does my new girlfriend always wear a cowboy hat
She lives in the big city in a high rise council flat
I gazed up at the window of her flat up in the sky
And when I did a bloody pigeon did one in my eye
So as I walked away I’m wiping poop to clear my sight
But droppings kept on plopping on my shoulders left and right
All I could do was duck and dive and try to dodge the splats
I looked around and everyone was wearing cowboy hats
Poem Details | by
Katherine Stella |
adventure, cowboy-western, education, children, funny, happiness, imagination, inspirational, life, people, pets, philosophy, places, romance, uplifting, visionary,
< once there was a man named trader Joe
could do nothing with hair so let grow
under big coonskin hat
fleas tick and his pet rat
mercantile's just say Oh Hell No
once there was saloon name lucky spur
where traders brought in their hunted furs
in walks old trader Joe
miss Molly said let's go
now both itch scratch from leftover burrs
Poem Details | by
Mark Toney |
fun, horse, humorous, poetry, word play,
Whoa, man!
Poem Details | by
Robert L. Hinshaw |
cowboy-western, funny, old, old,
There was once an old cowpoke named Meyers
For decades he'd rode an old hoss named Squires
He'd roped steers and fixed fences
Enjoyed beer and square dances
And was bowlegged as a pair of pliers
Robert L. Hinshaw, CMSgt, USAF, Retired
© All Rights Reserved
Poem Details | by
Sam Ruby |
angst, art, beautiful, beauty, boyfriend, butterfly, caregiving, childhood, computer-internet, confusion, courage, cowboy-western, dance, dark, daughter, dedication, depression, devotion, dream, funny, girl, girlfriend, goodbye, growing up, happiness, humorous, inspirational, lost, lost love, nostalgia, peace, romance, romantic, sad, song, teen, time, uplifting, women, me, love, me,
Your love pricks me like a rose each thorn grows but no one knows Your so full of
it as it shows so carry on now go on, go. I'm fed up with the phony and i'm
through with the tears, you couldn't pay me all your money to make up for those
years. Someone help me I feel faint how could I think he was such a saint and
worst of all I let me fall into a spiral down below. A magic called love carried
by the dove of someone I use to know.
Poem Details | by
Glen Enloe |
cowboy-western, funny, social,
Although there be some debatin’
‘Bout if ol’ cowboys wear socks—
I can tell you fer a dern fact,
That true cowboys don’t wear Crocs.
They just don’t fit a stirrup right,
And bright colors scare the stock—
I’ll sure nuff shoot the first cowboy
I see wearin’ a new Croc!
Oh, we talk of Old West legends
Like our Jesses’ and Hickoks—
But I hope I never do see
Cowboys herdin’ in their Crocs!
And when that great cattle Master
Lays me low beneath the rocks—
Just make sure I’m wearin’ my boots
And not a pair of them Crocs!
Poem Details | by
Katherine Stella |
adventure, caregiving, cowboy-western, education, fantasy, funny, imagination, inspirational, life, on work and working, people, slam, visionary, work
< our top story tonight is Lawyers
a pain in the *** and real spoilers
with fancy cars homes suits
fifteen hundred kaboot
rather hire cowboy wearing just spurs
Entry For Carolyn Devonshire's
Lawyer Limerick's Contest
GL All
Poem Details | by
James Fraser |
heaven, humor, religion, boy,
Off to the Church this Cowboy went
For Sunday to him was Heaven sent
But as he took to his pew
Suddenly into their view
Beelzebub, he, now present
Imagine the screaming now starting
To the exits they're simply departing
But this Cowboy remains
Against Beelzebub's deign
Oh the odours of the leaving farting
To the Cowboy, Beelzebub says
In a broken down language display
Are you frightened of me
Am I stronger than thee
Not really, who do you think you portray
For Satan I am, but you never have fears
No matter what I say, leaves you no tears
So simply, what can it be
That your not scared of thee
I've been married to your sister for years
Poem Details | by
Clifford Villalon |
animal, farm, funny,
Donkey in the farm, strong hoofs romping
Wonky when you charm, long spoofs hooting
Donkey standing as you stare, shy when you dare
Teeth grinning as you glare, dry when you blare
Sweet and gentle that sire, donkey of your eye
Lifeguard under fire, wise and clean with your lye
Poem Details | by
Margarita Vera |
adventure, animals, childhood, daughter, death, fear, food, children, forgiveness, friendship, funny, girlfriend-boyfriend, happiness, hope, life, loss, love, mother, music, peace, romance, love,
Tainted love
or tired love?
Smug attitudes
and weak games
Look at you!
Your such a lame!
Me cry?! Ha! Not no more!
Five point five years
What a joke?!
All you do is lie
Keep smoking your life away!
Wake up before its too late!
Before this love turns into hate!
Your too old to act this way!
Your too comfortable
You cant stay!
In my life!
In my way!
Goodbye to you!!!
Poem Details | by
Katherine Stella |
adventure, cowboy-western, dedication, education, family, fantasy, funny, history, imagination, inspirational, life, native american, peace, people, places, uplifting, visionary, war
< O ye how the west has gone won
now wipe those trails of tears my son
dance the ring of fire for fun
speak and learn native ways
learn not to speak with riffles gun
rustle bacon beans Hey !
Written By Katherine Stella 7/3/11
Entry For Dr Ram's
Rime Couee's Contest
G.L. All
Poem Details | by
Glen Enloe |
cowboy-western, food, funny, social,
I think that I shall never see
A cowboy that eats toe-foo—
Sech a dern thang jest could not be
In this ol’ bunkhouse crew!
Real men eats beef an’ pork an’ beans—
And all thangs within their reach—
Us real cowpokes drink coffee black—
Turn noses up at quiche!
Veggies should stay in ranch gardens—
These lips will taste no yogurt!
Good stew and biscuits make amends—
Seaweed makes bellies hurt!
Give us jerky or give us death—
Give us beans till we’re all blue—
But with all your strength and your breath—
Don’ serve us no toe-foo!
Poem Details | by
Katherine Stella |
adventure, animals, cowboy-western, funny, imagination, inspirational, uplifting, visionary
not even herdsmen
can gather all the pokee's
at the dinner bell
Poem Details | by
Katherine Stella |
adventure, cowboy-western, fantasy, funny, history, imagination, inspirational, life, people, uplifting, visionary
< Once came along an man named John Wayne
Winchester by his side causes more pain
Dusty trails ballroom brawls
Battlefield's muddy crawls
The duke of western inflicting gains
Poem Details | by
Alexandra Caruso |
adventure, allegory, angst, animals, confusion, cowboy-western, devotion, fantasy, funny, imagination, inspirational, philosophy, romance, slam, social, sorry, thank you, uplifting, war, wedding,
Take me there
I don't care
Touch my hair
Eat this pear!!!
I am bare
Want to share?
Do you care?
I am bear
I'll let you stare
Don't go there
By the chair
Or on that stair?
Your skin is fair
You look like Cher
Come to my lair
But pay my fare
Drippity drip drip
Poem Details | by
Thaomi Pham |
fun, future, giggle, soulmate,
I'm a city girl,
looking for a cow boy.
He'd teach me how to twirl
to the folk dance near the bay.
I'll listen to him yodel
and watch him feed cute horses hay.
There won't be a note he can't handle
cause he sings and plays the guitar everyday.
He'd take me around the world
with his big old truck while he screams, "Make way!"
I'll want my life to be simple:
raise children, make sure the crops are okay, etc.
On the porch swing, we'll cuddle.
Moon lights and shooting stars flash away.'s a bucket for you to hurl,
but I'll marry a country boy one day!
Poem Details | by
Drjim Martin |
funny, boy,
Dr. James E. Martin
©April, 2014
College educated – all are not.
Outdoors they are – quite a lot.
Wintry weather slows them never,
Built they are for inclement weather.
Overtly driven by a style that’s unique,
Youngsters this lifestyle often seek!
Poem Details | by
Tom Higgins |
cowboy-western, funny, write, write,
For a fistful of dollars,
I'd write a new 'happy birthday.'
For a few dollars more.
I'd even write the score.
To avoid dirty Harry,
the good, the bad, and the ugly, I'd marry.
And for the man with no name,
I'd most likely, do the same!
Tom Higgins
Poem Details | by
Angelo Pierre Louis |
allegory, black african american, brother, education, faith, fantasy, food, funny, history, introspection, life,
our,that we have..
these are our tools..weapons..instruments
and we just want to live..
put into a situation in wich we did not choose our roles..
some of us are the fans and the royalty
they watch people like me do what needs to be done...
people like me..we just want to live
so we use our weapons and do what we have to..
we didnt choose for it to be like this..
we watch the fortunate crowd the seats of this coliseum called life..
and they watch us jump back and forth through shades of color..
they judge us...
but we just want to live
Poem Details | by
Larry Bradfield |
The day that boy was born, God showed his Texas side
Gave a Divine chuckle. said, "That boy oughta ride!"
At one hour old God put a twinkle in his eye
"The makins of a cowboy that'll make gals sigh."
He bowed the little legs just enough for swagger
Fixed his feet for cowboy boots so's he won't stagger
God trimmed his hips and waist so he'd fit the saddle
Straightened his toes and knees so they didn't spraddle
The years passed by as he won all there was to win
He grew old and was called "The best there's ever been."
When he died they found on his back a small tattoo
"My son, you were born to rodeo! - See that you do !!"
September 30, 2016
Poem Details | by
Larry Bradfield |
There was a young cowboy named Homer
Who broke bronchos and was a roamer
The girl that he called hon
Said,"When all's said and done,
Those bronchos are breakin' your gomer."
Poem Details | by
Jimmy Anderson |
dedication, funny,
A Cowboy Is
There once was a cowboy name Joe.
Who took his girlfriend to a show.
The lights were turned low.
Her lips he did blow.
It just goes to show Joe did go!!!!
*For Tirzah Conway's "A Cowboy Is" contest
Poem Details | by
Christopher Lampton |
funny love, humor, lust, boy,
it smells like sex in here he said as
he walked into the bedroom
it's time to put some clothes on
we have a busy day
she only has one request
before she can get up
a jack daniels on ice
that's what she needs
to start this thing out right
here are your panties and bra
and what was your name again?
Poem Details | by
Glen Enloe |
cowboy-western, funny, nature,
He done stepped in
And it weren’t nothin’ too good,
Just a small road kill.
Poem Details | by
Andrea Dietrich |
One day to a big ranch rode Alan
a wearin’ his hat, a ten-gallon.
With his horse and his rope
he had plenty of hope
he’d excel in the job of corralin’.
May 5, 2022
Trying this in A Brian Strand Premiere Choice Poetry Contest
Unfortunately RhymeZone will not take unusual ways of rhyming the -ing form the way Americans often pronounce it.