Funny Poems About Corruption or Corruption Funny Poems

Humorous and funny Corruption poems and/or funny poems about Corruption. Read, share, and enjoy these hilarious Corruption funny poems!

Written by Poet Destroyer A
Categories: adventure, blessing, corruption, earth, environment, funny, nature,

Earth Day

~Planet of the apes~

Ape should inherit the world
Perhaps  --maybe, just maybe!
Earth has a chance 


Written by Richard Breese
Categories: cheer up, corruption, crazy, fishing, giggle, humor,

strange uncle

if i had another wish

i would want back my pet fish

for my uncle came to town

and in mothers dressing gown

served him on her fav'rite dish.

Written by John Beam
Categories: corruption, humorous, hyperbole, political, psychological, satire, words,

Conspiracy Nut

when some one else is                                                                                                   caught it's a conspiracy                                                                                                   when I say something

Written by Jack Clark
Categories: abuse, corruption, environment, humor, humorous, political,


The “Bad Witch of Oz” lost her throne
They weren’t gonna’ leave her alone
… the water was Fracked
… it’s how she got whacked
But … how many others aren’t known!

Written by Earl Schumacker
Categories: corruption, culture, humorous, judgement, murder, political, religion,

Ghost Gun

Ghost Gun

Officer Smart from Oxymoron
Was called to school one day
Johnny pee pants raised his hands
He was about to pray
Teacher yelled, “He’s got a gun!”
The cop shot Johnny dead
….Then read him his rights….
Years were spent on investigations 
In hopes of finding a clue
The judge had called it a “Suicide”
Nothing else is new
Society went along for the ride
Thank goodness only one child died
Officer Smart from Oxymoron
Still searches the school today
Preventing crimes and looking for fingers 
Loaded and ready to fire
A lesson can be learned from this
That is, where not to pray
Do it in church
Or else you’ll be cursed
By the guns of the Holy Ghost ire

Written by Jan Allison
Categories: corruption, humorous, sports,

Having a Ball - It Just Isn'T Cricket

His team’s chances he hoped to enhance - So a cricket player took a chance He’s caught ball tampering Such disgrace it did bring He got snapped with his hands down his pants! 3/27/18

Written by Poet Destroyer A
Categories: absence, abuse, confusion, corruption, funny,

Paranormal Activity

it's too late to read this poem!

The poem was removed, due to alien activity.

Area 51

By: PD

Written by Gail Debole
Categories: corruption, humor, humorous,

Flimflamming the Scam

February 29, 2016
Written by Gail DeBole 

A man born into a world of scams
Had a father adept at flim-flam.
He lived by what he was taught
Until the day he was caught
By police who out-flimflammed his scam.

Written by Rhoda Tripp
Categories: corruption, dark, emo, humor, humorous, natural disasters, sick,

Demon Dance

There once was an old man, a perv.
And wow! He had quite the nerve.
He pulled down his pants,
Said "Watch my demon dance."
He really threw me a curve.

Written by Brandon Carter
Categories: adventure, boyfriend, corruption, desire, girlfriend, humor, humorous, husband, innocence, longing, lust, marriage, romance, romantic, sexy, wife,

The Freaks Come Out At Night

Written December 29, 2013

You don't see me
You see her silhouetted by the vapor
My hands all over
She's an introverted now and later

You can build a wall
Before you fall
But I'd give up
When the wall will fall
I'll be waiting here
Plein de plaisir

In your snatch fits pleasure
Broom-shaped pleasure, even better
Like politicians
Spilling oil on the wonderland

The sun will fall
The moon will rise, the freaks come out at night
Native tongues and foreign lands
Leave me handcuffed to the night stand

You can build a wall
Before you fall
But I'd give up
When the wall will fall
I'll be waiting here
Plein de plaisir

Written by Andrew Crisci
Categories: funny, people, satire

Corruption In Legal Matters

He defended two thieves with a smirk:
one bimbo and a jerk;
the old, crooked judge released them
knowing it was a scam...
they walked free applauding his trick.

Written by Eric Boddie
Categories: anger, betrayal, corruption, funny, hate, horror, lust,

Lessons Learnt In Life

"Lessons Learnt in Life"
5.  Never trust anyone

Saw me
Asked for fee
Oh no, baby
I get it for free
But lust gives new degrees
Oh yes, she was so sexy
She said, "With no hands, it's messy"
That turned me on, so I guess you see
The tempting dilemma it came to be
I told her her river would become sea
She winked, walked away, that's fantasy
No latex held, seduced by three
In the morning, destiny
Now dictates burning pee
Then I had to flee
So urgently
Now agree

I had to try this but please don't think this is true....knock on

Written by Venu Annamraju
Categories: car, corruption, humorous, pollution,


We had been bribing good,
as long as we could
Fooling everyone, 
under the sun

Rich and poor alike we treated,
didn't care who we cheated
We were robbing under the hood,
cause the money was so good

Norms we dared flout,
when we had the clout
Alas, now we are caught,
what to say we know not

For no amount of spin, 
can cover our sin
Please don't wish us dead,
just because we gave back some lead

Who we are, you may have guessed by now
for those not in the know
Dust Auto.

Written by Jessica Amanda Salmonson
Categories: conflict, corruption, evil, feelings, hate, humor, rude,


I'm not shy
I just think
Most people
Simply stink.

Written by Memphis Stacks
Categories: adventure, allusion, art, betrayal, confidence, conflict, cool, corruption, crazy, culture, deep, extended metaphor, fantasy, fear, feelings, goodbye, humanity, humor, humorous, identity, life, literature, meaningful, metaphor, people, perspective, philosophy, poems, poetess, poetry, poets, psychological, relationship, symbolism, trust, voyage, wisdom, words, write, writing,

The Toledo Panic Button

A Con-man's way out
Only in cases of emergency
Like the fire axe behind the glass
Only this is more deadly
Way more sketchy
Die with the lie
A mark gets wise
Gets hip to the jive
Catches on
Smells the cheese getting stinky
Eyes shift as reality comes to light
Can't let them find out it's all a lie
Make a decision!
It's about to get hinky!
Confidence is gone and it's time to fly
Make like some titties and bounce
Only one way out!
The Toledo Panic Button!

Written by Rudolph Rinaldi
Categories: corruption, depression, emotions, funny, humor, pain,

When I Use Dirty Language and Curse At Alexa

when I use dirty language and curse at Alexa 
she reciprocates 
by playing the darkest News of the day

Written by John Castro
Categories: corruption,

This Funny Thing Called Freedom


time has a funny way of making 
people into liars 
 it endorses corporate America a 
smoking gun out for hire

home of the censored and shredded 
 programmed drones in a 
manipulative institution 

heil hitler to the flag is what really is 
 freedom from tyranny and 
oppression is pretty much a lie 

"YES WE CAN!" was the change that 
never did occur 
 its the flea who ****ed the whale!? 
but are you really sure??
 the funny thing is that in this crazy 
little twist 
 you just might think youre free when 
the handcuff hits your wrist

Written by Gail Foster
Categories: addiction, corruption, humor, political, power, satire, silly,

Keith Vaz and All That Jazz

So farewell Keith Vaz, we don’t really mind
Whether you steered from the front or behind
But the coke was a bit of an epic fail
What’s that, you’re snorting, I didn’t inhale?

So hello Keith Vaz, you’re still knocking about
You can lock up yer closet now yer out
And maybe hang out with Osborne and stuff
Isn’t he a bit of a powder puff?

© Gail Foster 6th September 2016

Written by Amanda Reslink
Categories: body, corruption, cry, desire, funny, humor, lust,

Wonder and Lust

Sexy fun salty sweet
Swish, dip, whip and roll,
Love to take a south bound stroll.

Sticky dripping goo,
Uh oh; those look very blue,
Enjoy a protein shake?

Friends first,
Virtue and chaste,
It's ok to wait.

Smooth as silk,
Or bear skin rug...
Matters of personal design.

So much praise,
Between crying sobs...
Worship of the fleshly gods!

Written by Edgelord Pingas69
Categories: anger, angst, corruption, dark, evil, funny, sick,

A Very Edgy Poem

(WARNING: very edgy)
(and also a little bit NSFW) 

This TV show is a really good show
It's such a good show that it had me commence the rituals again
The rituals of torment, the rituals of sin
The rituals of no sleep, the rituals of self-death
I am disgusted in myself
But more so I am disgusted in the rest of you
How can you live with yourselves after what you've done?
Probably the same way I live with myself
I hate you all
I want her to slit my throat then suck me off 
as I bleed to death

Once again I descend into depravity
And thus Death.

Written by Mark Stubbs
Categories: car, corruption, england, funny, travel,

Ode to Pot Holes

Oh gaping chasm of misfortune
A sign of council extortion?
Roads not fit for purpose
Driving makes us nervous
Neglect of civil responsibility
The cause of such hostility
Oh pot hole why so terrible
Our roads are just unbearable
What future for these holes?
Maybe roadside fishbowls?
My rage is like a rabid wolverine
I shall write today to the queen 
Dear Queen Camilla Parker Bowls
Please send folks to mend our holes

Written by Vladimir Tumanov
Categories: corruption, farewell, humor, humorous, irony, joy, prejudice,

Bluebeard - Inauguration

Did you know?  Did you see?  Did you hear?
Did you think?  Did you hope?  Did you sneer?
For today is the day
that Bluebeard goes away!
Bid adieu to his mountainous rear!

Written by Richard Breese
Categories: corruption, father son, funny, giggle, humor, humorous, kid, people,

wayward son

there once was a thief from devin

whose teachers called him sir kevin

but his mom and dad

were indeed more sad

he worked eleven to seven.

Written by Troy Toney
Categories: betrayal, confusion, corruption, games, hilarious, silly, spoken word,

The Ticket Man

Step right up dear folks
Please listen if you can 
For tonight I tell a tale
First buy from the ticket man

Go ahead and sit dear folks 
Set your chairs right on the land 
Now that you have your voucher 
You bought from the ticket man

So please listen up dear folks
A tale of wonders Is the plan
You'll be in awe you'll be amazed
Glad you saw the ticket man

You've been entertained dear folks 
Distracted though it was a scam
Your pockets have been picked b
Oh yes by the ticket man

Sorry to say it dear folks
To fool you ashamed I am
But my job is done it's time to run
And catch up to the ticket man

Written 12-21-18

Written by Linda Alice Fowler
Categories: corruption, funny, giggle, humor, silly,

Belle of the Cell

There once was a brash barmaid named Belle
Her virtue she would selflessly sell
	she was nicked by the cops
	for illegal house stops
She now spends her spare time in a cell