Funny Poems About Comical or Comical Funny Poems

Humorous and funny Comical poems and/or funny poems about Comical. Read, share, and enjoy these hilarious Comical funny poems!

Written by Phyllis Babcock
Categories: adventure, funny,

Comical Movie--Dumb and Dumber

comical movie
had me laughing in stitches 
crazy versus crazier

kookie zany men
driving across the country
short on common sense

a bag of money
returning to the owner
brings total chaos

Written by Andrew Crisci
Categories: food, funny, history, people, travel,

The Comical Pulcinella

Roam the noisy and narrow streets of beautiful Napoli on any day,
and over a popular cafe hangs the comical Pulcinella's image; 
many tourists aren't familiar with this guy dressed in white!
Why does he say," The best Baba al Rum is made here! "
The bartender puts on a huge smile when customers walk in.
Controversially, the infuriated French would claim, " We invented it! "
Then Pulcinella would reply with a delirious laughter,
" It was pretty good then, but not as tasty as it is today! "

*Baba al Rum is a Neapolitan dessert

Written by R J. Elless
Categories: humorous,

Comical Nonsense Deux

Don't grab a hot pan with your hand, from the form the oven!
It's painful.
Don't roller skate in a Hurricane?
Are Ya crazy?
Don't linger by tall buildings, in an earthquake.
It's fatal.
If you ride on a burrow might land on a cactus.
Your jazz will be Achin.
Don't eat a loaf of avocado toast and two stacks of bacon.
That's constipation may ruin your vacation.

Never refer to her as your old lady.
She'll punch you in the nose.
your eyes will swell closed.
Feel like you reside in Hades!