Humorous and funny Chuckle poems and/or funny poems about Chuckle. Read, share, and enjoy these hilarious Chuckle funny poems!
Written by
John Lawless
fun, humor, word play,
a few chuckle perhaps
Talked to a fisherman
He said he hadn’t had a bite in days…so I bit him
Hickory dickory dock
The mice ran up the clock
The clock struck one…
If he clears concussion protocol he’ll start tomorrow
Mary had a little lamb
…and mashed potatoes too.
One potato, two potato, three potato, four
That’s all I could afford so I walked out of the store
Walked into a church. There sat a tethered parrot on a perch.
With a wily rasp he asked if I could “un-tithe” him
Purchased a pack of condoms
The sales clerk said: “that’ll be $6.95 plus tax”
I replied: “forget the tacks, I’ll tie them on”
Written by
Jack Ellison
Good For a Chuckle
Well, if for nothing else, I'm good for a chuckle
Each day you can count on me, before you remove your stubble
Okay ladies, this doesn't mean you
Means before you get all prettied up, woo hoo
But take care, too much strain on the giggler is not advisable
© Jack Ellison 2015
Written by
Jack Ellison
Giggle and Chuckle
Good morning dear friends, it's a brand new day
Put a smile on your kisser and warble away
You only go round once
So don't count the months
Just giggle and chuckle and enjoy it, I say
© Jack Ellison 2015
Written by
Jack Ellison
Giggle and Chuckle
Good morning dear friends, it's a brand new day
Put a smile on your kisser and warble away
You only go round once
So don't count the months
Just giggle and chuckle and enjoy it, I say
Written by
Harold Hunt Sr
Laugh and Chuckle
Laugh And Chuckle
I laugh and I chuckle
I chuckle and I laugh.
I rolled on the ground.
I laugh And I chuckle.
You may want to know why.
I saw a clown and he was funny.
Written by
James Edward Lee Sr.
adventure, books, funny,
Book of Jokes Makes Me Chuckle Yuk Yuk
so I love my book
its read is so silly funny
with special humor
also had strange attitude
reads of a tale makes me smile
written words by James Edward Lee Sr. 2020 ©
Written by
Gershon Wolf
humor, pride, smile,
Chuckle Or Buckle
Does it make you chuckle
or even cause your knees to buckle
Does it make you snicker
or help your day go quicker
Does it leave you with a smile
for a little or a long, long while
Just how wide is your grin
wide enough for a double chin
Have you really laughed out loud
then of my limerick I can be proud