Humorous and funny Celebration poems and/or funny poems about Celebration. Read, share, and enjoy these hilarious Celebration funny poems!
Written by
Poet Destroyer A
adventure, caregiving, celebration, confusion, desire, feelings, funny, humor, identity, life, october,
Sweet and Salty -Libra Tale
Sweet and Sour hectic sign
Love me, trust me, the stars align
Balance of truth and dare
Good and Evil, full of care
Blind when it comes to blood line
:) PD
Written by
Skat A
adventure, analogy, celebration, fantasy, funny, happiness,
Sandcastle of Dreams
***relaxing medicine***
dreams of the sand
Underneath the ocean stars
Sleeping with the wind
***the beast dreams***
Mr. Sandman's bag
Romantic, like pouring rain
Seashore bash
***the world is home***
Wishing well mirage
Homeless but rich sandcastle
Ocean wave pillow
***it takes two***
Heaven passionate kiss
hands create a mote
Drawbridge of sea shells
***hungry wings***
First class bay front seat
Seagulls land on tower
Essence of bird droll
***colliding fantasy***
Adventure hot day
Knocking beauty of the day
fantasy sunrise
Written by
Linda Alice Fowler
celebration, fantasy, halloween, holiday, humor, silly,
Now You Know Jack
There once was a cool guy named Jack
Jack o’ lanterns attacked his back
Witch Cate blew straight through
Umbrella askew
She saved the famed wizard Jack Black
*The House with a Clock in Its Walls
Written by
Jan Allison
celebration, humorous, jobs,
Ted breezed into the house like he owned the place
with an cocky smirk plastered all over his face
I know that look son; just tell me what you’ve done -
you’ve not robbed a bank and now you’re on the run’!
He puffed out his chest and strutted with a swagger
then jumped on the table and danced like Mick Jagger
He said, mum don’t fret, there won’t be a lynch mob -
I’ve just had an interview and got my very first job!
Swagger Poetry Contest
Sponsored by Line Gauthier
Written by
Ann Foster
celebration, destiny, humor, inspiration, kiss, philosophy, rainforest,
The bird in the cage sits,
and sometimes sings.
On Sunday he gets let out.
That is the best day.
The cat is at church.
Written by
Duke Beaufort
anger, care, celebration, drug, humor, relationship,
I love and kiss the CVS people
I’ll get to the pills with a twist
The scripts filled by my pharmacist
If there’s a hiccup
Delaying the pick-up
Watch out as I might just get pissed
Written by
Robert Gorelick
celebration, humor,
Snakes He'd Shoo
Have a Guiness and let’s toast St. Patrick
Whether laddie, lass or old codger geriatric
A bold gent with such clout
All Eire’s snakes he shooed out
Never has there been a saint so theatric!
I am an old codger geriatric
But I will raise a toast to ST. Patrick
For shooing those snakes
Away for our sakes
He definitely was Saint Fantastic
Written by
M. L. Kiser
celebration, christmas, fun, humor, pets, poems, poetry,
Wishing You a Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas to you all,
we’re having such a great snowfall?
These tasty stars, a delicious treat,
we hope your Holiday Meal is great!
For this card we’ve donned our best,
felt antlers ever so, neatly pressed.
These snow-stars are falling with such glee,
filling up branches on the trees.
We hope that Santa brings you all,
the best'est presents, a real haul.
Stay warm and cozy, don’t catch cold,
your warmest blankets, do unfold.
For your New Year, we wish the best,
better than any of the rest.
Blessed blessings to you be,
upon this wondrous, Christmas Eve!
Written by
Zamreen Zarook
age, angel, beautiful, beauty, body, boyfriend, celebration, celebrity, change, character, creation, desire, emotions, children, friendship, girl, girlfriend, hero, humorous, i love you, image, life, memorial day, memory, middle school, relationship, romantic, school, society, student, teen, teenage, truth, wisdom, woman, women, words, world, youth,
Fake Words
Fake Words – Zamreen Zarook
God have given us mouth,
Not to speak to north and south,
Tongue is given under an oath,
So it’s our duty to protect them both.
Girls chat fake with boys,
Having a notion that the boys are toys,
They often make varied noise,
Thinking to keep a trap on handsome guys.
Boys are also human being,
So it’s not possible being clean,
Things varies in the way they are seen,
So positive thinking will make you keen.
Boys’ minds are pure,
As it is pure bio,
So don’t try to pour vino,
Which will take decades to get cure.
Written by
Smail Poems
age, angel, baseball, beauty, butterfly, caregiving, celebration, character, child, father daughter, feelings, film, fishing, flower, football, children, for her, friend, fun, funny, gender, girl, girlfriend, giving, graduation, grandfather, grandmother, grandparents, growing up, growth, hair, happiness, happy, health, heart, hero,
Pretty princesses
Dancing all around
Frolicking through fields
Very beautiful
Just like you!
Written by
James Study
celebration, funny, work,
Retirement Poem
This is the day you hang it all up
We drink to you from a paper cup
From the boss not a tear
Let the door hit your rear
For his office you did corrupt
Hunting and fishing ahead for you
Play cards drink beer if you want to
Excuse if I enquire
What's new when you retire
How will we know the day you do
The future I see one change real soon
The company I see a major boon
Toilet paper and stock
Towels and soap not lock
Big jump in supplies for the wash room
I don't want to seem a bit lofty
For real I'm just a big softy
Something you should know
We will all miss you so
Cause you made the best pot of coffee
Written by
Kelly Deschler
birthday, celebration, friendship, fun, humorous, march,
Happy Birthday To Me
The candles are aglow on your birthday cake,
Where a wish awaits for only you to make,
A cascade of confetti thrown by many a friend,
Balloons and flowers, gifts and parties without end,
A year filled with new smiles and never a tear,
And with many heartfelt words of good cheer,
Like those I have written right here on the page,
A Happy Birthday to you, no matter what your age!
I wrote this for Linda's (Poet Destroyer's) birthday,
but I thought it was appropriate to repost this,
since today is my birthday!
It is always nice to share this special day with friends.
And, I consider all of you to be mine! :)
Written by
David Welch
celebration, death, fun, funeral, humorous, light, night,
Viking Funeral
Viking, Viking burning bright,
on a pyre in the night,
though the wind howls and bites,
this funeral is out-of-sight!
Through the cold and falling snow,
on the lake your fire glows,
the ships combusts, and now I know
this here is how I want to go.
*-Obviously patterned off William Blake's famous poem 'The Tyger.'
Written by
Jan Allison
age, birth, birthday, celebration, humorous,
Leap Year Birthday
Leap year babes party every fourth year
When their birthday arrives they can cheer
But on a positive note
It would surely get MY vote
Getting old is something they won’t fear!
15th September 2016
Written by
Richard Lamoureux
beauty, celebration, humorous,
Jugs of an INORDINATE size
I can't help but lOOk at them
Giggles escape from my lips
Grapefruit like in shape
Lively like bounce
In my face
Written by
Suresh Babu Palani
celebration, cheer up, dance, emotions, feelings, holiday, humor, life, new year, new years day, poetry, seasons,
Cocktail Party
New year's eve-
Regrets and hopes dance
Written by
Brandee Augustus
body, celebration, feelings, funny, identity, image,
The Perfect Package
My body
But of course
Written by
Brenda Rose
celebration, feelings, friendship, funny love, imagery, inspirational, tribute,
Claire's Hair Salon
Don't come here but please go there
For this is what I have to share
About our dear hairdresser Claire.
She'll never catch you in a snare
Because her prices are more than fair.
She will cut your hair layer by layer
And will not let your head go bald or bare
So there is no glare for us to stare
And she will help you grow long wanted hair.
In this verse I have been more than fair
And if I am not I do not care
For soon I will be committed or declared
I will end this with our love for Claire
Who always has an outward flair.
So there!
Brenda Elizabeth Rose
Written by
Andrew Crisci
celebration, funny, ireland, , cute,
A Leprechaun With Drunken Lips
My acushla,* today only kiss
this cute Leprechaun with drunken lips!
I drink lots of green beer,
sit next to me and cheer!
My cuishle, don't make them boo and hiss!
* acushla: darling
* cuishle: dear
Written by
Blake Holland
addiction, allusion, angel, anger, art, celebration, confusion, crazy, depression, desire, earth, emotions, fantasy, fear, feelings, freedom, god, grief, health, humanity, humorous, image, imagination, life, loneliness, love, magic, music, nonsense, peace, planet, political, poverty, power, pride, psychological, sound, space, spiritual, stars, stress, suicide, sympathy, teen, usa, wisdom, world,
An Aquarian Exposition
Take the pill
on the hill
and don't be shrill
when you see the rainbow
when you are low.
Just go with the flow
and eat the purple snow.
Chase the rabbits
through the green field
but use my shield
to end all of your habits.
Written by
Ironic Zink
age, birthday, celebration, funny,
Fifty Is Nifty
About fifty
Rhymes with nifty
Going on sixty
Same day today
As tomorrow hooray!
Fifty is ten past forty
Age is but a number and counting time tends to bore me
I'm like a puppy that's all dirty
A kid son, I'm barely over thirty
As for the big five-0
Be proud of all that you may now know
Farewell my elder
Mad respect, for sure
Congratulations for being
About fifty
Written by
David Brooks
celebration, holiday, humor, cinco de mayo,
Happy French Defeated Day
He raised his glass, then sipped his beer.
Gringos all then raised a cheer!
"To Mexico!" Hear them cry, "Oh!"
"Today is good old Cinco de Mayo!"
"To freedom for old Mexico!"
Their 4th of July so we've been told.
"The day they earned their independence."
"The day they won for their descendents!"
"Señor, I think your book has cracks.
I think you need to check your facts.
Our independence is in the Fall.
About us, you seem to have built a wall."
"Buenos dias, señor" he would say.
"And happy Battle of Puebla Day."
Oh my, who could ever tell?
"Happy Cinco de Mayo to you as well!"
Written by
Tonytocaa Camacho
celebration, humorous,
In Remembrance of Spocks Ears
My name is Gladys I'm a fox with long ears
I'm Boris the bat with hyper extended ears
They call me Millie a wise old owl
With really really long ears
Watch out here comes monsoon
The elephant with gargantuan ears
We all have long ears And we all agree
If we could do it all over again we would
Have Spocks ears that look the coolest
And live long and prosper,like mr. Spock
Written by
Shanity Rain
beauty, birth, celebration, creation, culture, fish, future, god, history, humor, image, imagination, immigration, inspirational, life, magic, miracle, mystery, mythology, natural disasters, nature, night, nostalgia, ocean, old, science, sea, technology, voyage,
New Aquatic Species
Science in all fascination has discovered a species aquatic
Theorizing this new yet old species remained hidden as Merman
only to live in secret at the oceans floor the mermaid a tribe indigenous
once said to be myth yet all proof and technology film does not lie
Tsunamis has given the ocean a true glance of the man with webbed hands
The species communes with dolphins will be under a microscope to analyze ?
" The World is not ready to see what I have " Jacques Cousteau ~
to be entered in The Science contest ~
Written by
Susan Clark
blessing, celebration, devotion, funny love,
A Sweet Aroma
Walking like the tortoise;
my pace might be slow,
but it is steady.
And as I walk I carry a set of drums,
play a rhythm that is given to me.
This rhythm becomes part of my heart.
I follow after Jesus learning to turn
neither to the right or to the left.
Then I smell a sweet aroma;
this scent reminds me of Angel Food Cake.
I open my mouth in faith and take a bite
of that delicious fare...
then I continue to follow Jesus wanting
more of what He has for me; because
I find Him to be most delicious and nutritious
all at the same time!
S.E. Clark 2015