Humorous and funny Blank Verse poems and/or funny poems about Blank Verse. Read, share, and enjoy these hilarious Blank Verse funny poems!
Written by
Rudolph Rinaldi
age, funny, nature, society, technology, youth,
Fall and
red yellowing
leaves in the trees
an old man sitting
on a bench
watches them
and thinks of his youth
a youth
sitting on a bench
looking into his iPhone
simulates the falling
red yellowing leaves
and googles
the future
of trees
Written by
Donal Mahoney
heart, sick,
Funny As a Heart Attack
A group of older men gather
once a week to talk about life
after a heart attack.
Old Len chews tobacco still
and tells jokes in a voice so low
no one can hear the punch line.
Another man asks Len
to talk louder so they all
can hear the punch line.
That’s when they discover
Len's been telling the same joke
at every meeting, over and over.
The joke’s about a loan officer
who lends a man $10,000 for a
face lift that turns out so good
the lender can’t find him.
With heart attacks in common,
the men yell “Tell it, again, Len!”
Donal Mahoney
Written by
Jan Allison
I Simply Can'T Make Up My Mind
I think that I may be indecisive.
But now I’m not really quite sure
I can’t seem to make up my mind
I've never had this problem before
I used to see everything in black and white
Now I can’t decide and nothing is right
I was going to buy some venison
But decided it was a little deer
Maybe I’ll get some new glasses
So my clouded judgement is clear
26th April 2015
Written by
Rudolph Rinaldi
fun, funny, life, old, truth,
I Have Holes In My Soles
my shirts and shoes
are wearing out -
and they tell me
I am too
I patch and glue
to make them whole -
but fail
to make them new
I have holes in my soles
and frayed treads on my edges -
but manage
for the most part to get through
until one day
they say
it will all fall apart
hopefully all at once
I pray
Written by
Jan Allison
how i feel, humorous, muse, poetry,
I Drew a Blank
I picked up my pen and tried hard to write,
words simply failed me and I drew a blank.
The harder I tried the worse it became
Where are the syllables when I need them?
Not a limerick or rhyme will appear …
my muse has gone on her spring holiday -
when she will return I have no idea!
I’m sad, how can I enter a contest
that I have little chance of placing in...
Oh well, I guess its another N/A
to add to my expanding collection.
N/A in contest finalised on 6/2/16
Written by
Margaret Bonnette
art, funny,
The 1960's
The lava lamp glows
in a room that's otherwise dark
while the guitar of Hendrix
slices through the air
listened to by a wanna-be beatnik
getting stoned on weed
pretending not to care
and doesn't know there's a sign above him
that reads "Down with the Establishment"
Written by
Debbie Duncan
food, humor,
You are my addiction
This I know to be true
At a certain age
A child should be grown
And not think of childish things
I've known this forever and a day
But, still, I can't help but think of you
Just a little humor 7/6/2017 Thursday 8 pm
Written by
Nick Armbrister Jimmy Boom Semtex
animal, character, funny,
Purple Guinea Pig
Purple Guinea Pig
Growl growl bite bite goes the guinea pig
As she rips out your fecking throat
The fierce guinea pig purple in colour
Not to be fecked with or name called
She'll hunt you down and kill ya!
And talks like a real American
The purple guinea pig who growls
Straight from the chest
Hear her and you're screwed
Get ready to be eaten
Purple guinea pig style!
CC 191 2020
Written by
Donald Meikle
funny, social,
Cafe Selections
Fish madam?
Price Edwards a Welsh man taught me how to poach eggs fish and rabbits
The recipe for poached eggs is universal
Poached perch is.....Take fillets and cheeks saute in butter with a dash of mead
Poached trout........Wrap in aluminum foil with herbs.. throw in small fire
Poached rabbit.....Debone saute in olive oiland butter...add mushrooms and leek
Poached venison I’ve never tried
Written by
Rajagopal Kaimal
crazy, earth, environment, food, green, humorous, pain,
Coconut kernel is
good to eat;
healthy, too.
But a coconut
falling on
one's head isn't
Written by
Rudolph Rinaldi
drink, fantasy, funny, good night, happiness,
A Wee Irish Whiskey
I found myself
a good wee bottle
of 10 year old Irish whiskey
under my wee Irish down pillow
that must have been placed there
by the wee good leprechaun
tooth fairy
I could not bring myself
to hurt her wee feelings
so I opened it up
and drunk my wee Italian self
down to sleep
counting 40 pink plaid
wee Irish sheep
Written by
Rudolph Rinaldi
dream, funny, hair, life, lost, love, peace,
Where Has It Gone
we had hair
in the 1960s
where has it gone
we had
love and peace
Written by
Osita Azike
friendship, funny love, girl, girlfriend, love, love hurts,
Just Friends
Yeah I know it feels weird
But it's too beautiful to be bad
Now it's scary cos it might be a masquerade
If we happen to be more than what we are
Now that's cos we have become more than I can describe
No one understands when I sing all that jazz
It's already more than the music for mature minds
They go with the sarcastic reply "Just friends, yeah right"
And then I am lost in my definition
A new synonym is added in its oxymoron
She has become my doubted confidante
But only to the minds who refuse to see
If am gonna kick that bucket, it's definitely not your water in it
Written by
Bulinya Martins
art, girl, giggle,
Girls Are Like Pianos In Deed and Simile
Girls are like pianos in deed and simile
When well tuned they giggle and smile
When annoyed they prop and empathize
When spoiled they demand and emphasize
He who can make a girl laugh can make her upright
Then they grow glassy and fabulously bright
They become wily strong and pretty useful
Being good they go to heaven very beautiful
The saddest thing a girl can is to dump down herself
And then be a soaked wet coat hanging on the shelf
Written by
Chrissie Morris Brady
adventure, confusion, humor, lost, space, travel,
Space Or Spaced Out
In Space or Spaced Out
Bones grow feeble without gravity
This is a serious matter, not to be taken lightly
Blood fails to reach the brain
We must bear this in mind
Space cannot be navigated by the light headed
The semi conscious, on a journey with such a faint map
Think on this seriously, it is not a joke
Spaceships lost in the heavens is a hellish consequence
Sentient beings drifting half conscious is senseless
Concentrate your thoughts so that we do not scatter
Debris in the galaxies, cleverly made
And stupidly lost.
Written by
Rudolph Rinaldi
humor, religion,
If I Go To Heaven
If I go
to heaven,
then what?
Written by
Rudolph Rinaldi
death, fish, funny, grave, life,
The Goldfish
the goldfish
looks out
at the distorted world
through a glass bowl
and tries to make sense of it
he watches the room about him
and those that feed him
with self satisfaction
unknowingly waiting for death
and a burial at sea
Written by
Rudolph Rinaldi
funny, humorous, life, old, retirement,
A Package From Amazon
getting old
sitting on my rocker
waiting for mail
a package
from Amazon
with my first fast elder walker with seat
they say that this fast elder walker with seat
could last
up to ten years to the day
I do pray
that this walker
is not my last
and that it and I
don’t go too fast
Written by
Jimmi Canada
baptism, beauty, city, eve, first love, funny, gender, god, history, independence day, mystery, mythology, night, obituary, raven, sea, silly, summer, sweet, teacher, world, yellow,
Roll On
Lauren Hill slow songs thrill,
they pop like a fast moving pill,
I am flopped on top of a junk food bill,
and running with a skunk who tells me to take in my fill-
like leading um' on into my dream,
I create a festering lean,
I rank every thought in order of how I like it,
and prep for a long time that's gonna break all the cycles.
Striding with my shrine,
as I shock a spine,
revitalize and prime-
as I preen and primp and chimp-
as I act like a pimp,
I black out and gimp,
skimp out on my dying moment because death is no shrimp!
Written by
Rudolph Rinaldi
forgiveness, fun, funny, hilarious, life, religious,
Seeking Forgiveness
I pass gas
stand silently still
and look up straight
and away
to heaven
seeking forgiveness
and salvation
Written by
Rudolph Rinaldi
beautiful, feelings, fun, funny, life, poetry,
It Is Nice To Write Happy Poems
it is nice to write happy poems
nicey nicey
happy happy
that make the sky
and everything around me
and me
and everything around me
much much lighter
Written by
Rudolph Rinaldi
anti bullying, body, discrimination, fantasy, funny, humorous, myth,
Teddy Roosevelt once said -
"speak softly
and carry a big stick”
in referencing this statement
might respond-
I may not speak softly-
or do anything softly
but I am loved by all
and carry a big stick
a very big hard stick
with very big balls
in my very big head
and all my very
very good friends
all of them
Hispanic, black , white and Islamic
men, women and others
love me
and them
Written by
Michael Ward
fun, funny, humorous, nice, nonsense, smile, today,
A Bit of Fun
A bit of fun
There is a man crying
In a AA van on the edge of town
I think he is heading for a
Breakdown >
Written by
Rudolph Rinaldi
food, kids, funny, god, philosophy, religion, science,
The Newton Epitaph
Had a fig Newton
Dropped it on the floor
God said, Let Newton be!
And all was right.
Until the Ants
Written by
Rudolph Rinaldi
funny love, humor, humorous, life, lust,
young chicks
old hens
young cocks
old dreamers
while the hens cluck
in their sweet dreams