Humorous and funny Bike poems and/or funny poems about Bike. Read, share, and enjoy these hilarious Bike funny poems!
Written by
Anita Wilson
happy, humor, summer,
Summer Bike Rides
Bugs hitting my face
Wind in hair, feet on pedals
-Eleven again!
Written by
Drjim Martin
Bad Day For a Bike Ride
Bad Day for a Bike Ride
Dr. James E. Martin
©May, 2013
He rode his bike up the hill,
Amazed that he could do it still.
On the way down,
A surprise he found,
He experienced an unexpected spill.
Written by
Jan Allison
On Your Bike
Sue got wedged on the exercise bike
And she doesn’t look so lady like
With both legs akimbo
She looked like a bimbo
Told the trainer to go take a hike!
20th July 2015
Written by
Joshua Lacey
The Exercise Bike
See the petals go round and round
Faster than a running hound!
Hear the groan and hear the moan
Wearing oneself to the bone
Afterwards one's in a sweat
Could use a glass of water I bet!
Written by
George Aul
funny, life, satire,
Bike Night
It's a two-wheeled cruising machine -
alloy spokes, bent handlebars,
custom seat and paint job...
yet, I get these very odd looks
and wild laughter when I pull my bike up
to an establishment that advertises:
"Tonight is bike night - Cheap beer."
Is it my biking shorts?
Is it my cleated shoes?
I know it can't be my custom machine...
everyone at the bike trail comments
on how nice of a two-wheeler I have!
I've even gotten dates because of my bike!!
A man on his custom cruising machine
out to get a couple of cheap beers...
I just can't figure it out!!!
Written by
David Sollis
funny, growing up, humorous, youth,
My 1st Bike
The best damn bike - I’d ever seen
Metallic paint - British Racing Green
Retro Styled – built for fun, not speed
A fine design – very fine indeed
Out for a spin - to the shops and back
In a short time - I’d got the knack
Down the hill – wasn’t even trying
But man alive – I was really flying
What’s that – a bloody cat!
Waved my arms – shouted "SCAT!"
The dumb thing froze – like a dust mop
Yanked on the anchors – rapid stop
Slammed down hard – on the cross-bar
White hot pain – testicular trauma
Truth be told – I’m no wimp
But to this day – I walk with a limp
[Originally published on my blog on world poetry day]
Written by
Lindsay Laurie
Bike Rider
My dog chased people riding a bike,
and that is something people don’t like,
it got so bad,
it drove me mad,
so I swapped his bike for a trike.
Written by
James Edward Lee Sr.
adventure, analogy, funny, heartbroken,
Cyclist Mike Who Falls Off His Bike--
There was a man named Mike
who used to ride a bike
he keeps falling, for petes sake
He made a mistake
guess he should have bought a trike
Written words by James Edward Lee Sr. 2019©
Written by
Red Hunter
childhood, funny
Red Bike
Should I run or hike
Or should I ride a
Red bike
Which do I like?
Walking is kind of
Riding is kind of
Shiny, new and red
It’s the only thing I
Can think of,
when I go to bed
the other day
on my way
to school
I hit a cat
And my tire didn’t
Go flat
I hit an old
And my bike didn’t
I hit a dog
Well… oh god
Not a log
Tore seat, bent tire
Crooked handle bars
Broken bell
Set it on fire
It won’t sell
I guess I will hike
Instead of riding
My broke
Red bike
Written by
Jeff Kyser
courage, fun, giggle, granddaughter,
Balance Bike
A balance bike is really neat;
instead of pedals, use your feet,
a comfy, slightly lower seat,
for freedom that just can’t be beat.
My Greta girl is only three,
but she can push along with me.
She giggles, and she laughs with glee
out riding with her Big Daddy.
At first, she lacks a certain skill,
and does not quite yet have the will,
or is afraid that she will spill;
she keeps her feet down on the hill.
But soon, she’s lifting those feet high,
off with a gleam in her blue eye.
As I will surely testify,
my Greta girl can proper fly!
Written by
L Milton Hankins
fun, humor,
Lucille Buys a Dirt Bike
Sister Lucille bought a dirt bike next
Leaving her family somewhat vexed
Her aim is speed,
She doesn’t need
Which leaves us incredibly perplexed.
Written July 16, 2022
Written by
David Porter
Bike and Beans
I got a mountain bike
it sits on my side porch
it sits under a torch
it should go on a hike
I got free beans from Mike
There’s three beans in my jeans
That I’ve had since my teens
or since I was a tike
bought a psych trip to Wyke
I didn’t take my beans
left them on the side porch
all alone with the bike
Bike & Beans
Lyricists Inc.
D.A.P. / Digital Analog Productions
written: 09-30-2022
David A. Porter
Written by
Millard Lowe
boyfriend, cute love, extended metaphor, fun, girlfriend, humorous, together,
an erotic bike ride
an erotic bike ride
as we rode along,
she said she
wished that she
was my bike
that she liked
how i pedaled
and i turned
to her
and said,
i wished she was
my pedal
that i liked
how she pumped
and when we arrived
at the bike rack
we both secretly
wished that
it was a bed
where we would
one day
rack it all up