Funny Poems About Best Friend or Best Friend Funny Poems

Humorous and funny Best Friend poems and/or funny poems about Best Friend. Read, share, and enjoy these hilarious Best Friend funny poems!

Written by Anne-Lise Andresen
Categories: best friend, funny, missing,

- Feelings of Guilt -

Hold back the tears of sorrow

                   Imprisoned in this torment bounded by guilt

                          As I write your name on the wall

                        I miss the days when you were here

Sun :) - A-L Andresen :)
Copyright © All Rights Reserved

Written by Charlie Knowlton
Categories: animal, best friend, dog, funny, humor, pets, silly,

Top 10 Things My Dogs Have Never Said To Me

Top 10 things my dogs have never said to me.   Ever!

Number 10…"Can we get a cat?"

Number 9…"No,…As a matter of fact I`m not happy to see you."

Number 8…"That`s ok, you eat the rest of that rib eye."

Number 7…"Sorry about your friends leg, and of course i`ll pay for the pillow."

Number 6…"Do I need a mint?"

Number 5…"And where have you been?"

Number 4…"Is there a 12 step group for butt sniffing?"

Number 3…"Please!…Do not rub my belly or scratch my ears. "

Number 2…" You threw it…You go get it."

And the number 1 answer is!

"That`s your third beer ya know."

Written by Anne-Lise Andresen
Categories: best friend, cool, giggle, humor,

- of Similarities -

All the slightest detais that make us so far apart, but so alike

Sun :) - A-L Andresen :)
Copyright © All Rights Reserved

Written by Jannie Breedt
Categories: best friend, funny, grandfather, old,

Old Man Time

Redeployed in an ugly skin
Pleated and spotted and grumpy within
What I call walking ,they call shuffling
I'm bending down to tie my shoe
While Im down here what else can I do?

When driving down my lip protrudes
Only for the dentist will I open mouth
Okay , Ill wave at you but I wont smile
The dog and the toilet are my only true friends
You get up to go and then you go again

Memories are yesterday
Forgetfulness is all over today
Ill tell you what it is
But forgot what I was going to say

Got to buy dogfood
Where are my glasses?
Who am I talking to?
They've all gone away

Written by Rob Carmack
Categories: animal, best friend, dog, humorous, love, pets, thanks,

Sonnet Chiweenie Boo

Your dad, a Dachshund once stuck in Chihuahua.
The best of both in you, with that expectant
Confusing carpets for the lawn enigma.
I know….the raining….getting wet….you can’t.

As coldness chills the room, a sheet for you.
The perfect tucking of in, but you moved!
I ponder, just how crazy is my Boo?
The sheet’s thread count too low to be approved?

Your dance in circles, spinning on the floor.
Rewards and treasures known upon the racks.
Induced by meals and that one pantry door.   
In such a fury, choking on the snacks.

I know what God’s book says, I’ve searched it whole.
But still, I hope you have a little soul.


Written by Richard Breese
Categories: best friend, bird, flying, giggle, humor, humorous, sound,

unfortunate singer

my friend quigley likes to sing

really almost any thing

till once a high note

caused a bird to float

back down to earth less one wing.

Written by Davina Browne
Categories: best friend, cute love, funny love, giggle,

Stand By Me

Stand by me in the fields of dreams,
Where the clouds part and the sunset light beams,
Hear the river as it streams,
Down to where it redeems
Stand by me where the flowers blooms,
Where the sun does not loom,
Out of sight is where the fairies zoom,
This is where the animals groom,
Stand by me under the willow tree,
Where we once fell and grazed our knees,
Here is where the grass made us sneeze
Where we lied and cuddled and squeezed

Written by Laura Breidenthal
Categories: adventure, best friend, cat, crazy, cute love, friendship, funny,

Staircase Race

March 21, 2015

you shan't win
not this day my furry friend
watch me run

head start - yeah!
close to end he leaps down ledge
watch him fly

staircase race 
wins and rubs it in my face
prissy proud prance

Written by Lindsay Ward
Categories: best friend, character, friend, friendship, funny, middle school, teenage,

Cheesecake Lover

Who is she?
She is a seventh grader
Plays softball
Wears glasses
She lives and loves cheesecake
Chaddar cheese
Mac n' cheese
Who is she?

Written by A.O. Taner
Categories: addiction, april, best friend, computer, confusion, courage, culture, cute love, earth, emotions, encouraging, environment, fantasy, farm, feelings, funny love, garden, happiness, happy, i love you, i miss you, inspirational, internet, irony, july, june, kiss, loneliness, love, magic, me, metaphor, nature, parody, repetition, satire, science, social, technology, tree, women, world, youth,


follow on facebook,
adore on pinterest,
fall in love on instagram,
kiss on a hunch,
all under a tree.

Written by Lizzy Love
Categories: animal, best friend, caregiving, dark, humor, pets, relationship,

My Pet Monster

My pet monster
best friend I ever had

through all the good times
and even all the bad

we walk the streets together
some people gawk and stare

when you moan "hi" to them
it gives them quite the scare

I don't mind when you drool
and your eyes roll in your head

your still totally cool 
and always welcome in my bed

and when your limbs and tail
fall off and need repair

I can stitch them on again
I will always be right there

Written by James Fraser
Categories: best friend, blessing, funny, graduation, humor, humorous, men,

What a Subject

Two old codgers were talking about sex And ones question popped up next This Viagra have you tried For me I can't decide Mm, that's a hard one,what a subject

Written by Anne-Lise Andresen
Categories: best friend, humorous,

- Haiku X 108 - Oh, Hello -

Behind the curtains
A good friend creates balance
Innocent acting

- 29.03.2017
- Sun :) - A-L Andresen :)
- Copyright © All Rights Reserved 
- - Haiku 5-7-5

Written by Brenda Meier-Hans
Categories: animal, best friend, cute love, dog, feelings, funny, love,

Strange Love

Why do I love you?
When I look into your face
Your teeth are too big,
That nose is extremely long.
Yet all I want in a dog.

Written by Brenda Meier-Hans 

Written by Sabrina Robillard
Categories: children, friendship, funny, imagination, friend, best friend, best friend, friend, me,

My Shadow Friend

My best friend is amazing
She always stays in step
And when I’m in a good mood
She’s always full of pep

My best friend follows me around
Everywhere I go
She even follows me to town
So that I’m not alone

The only trips she won’t embark
Are the ones when it gets too late
My shadow doesn’t like the dark
That’s one thing that she hates

So she only comes out in the day
When sunshine does come near
But if the clouds do roll in
My friend will disappear!

Written by Brenda Mcgrath
Categories: best friend, humorous, romantic,

The Unbreakable Bond

You reach for me at night and bring me near,
I am the one in life you hold most dear.
You never tire of me each day,
Nothing can keep your hands away!

Loyal to the end, I'll be by your side,
We're in this together on this joyride.
So who am I that formed a bond like you have never known?
I'm your best friend, your confidant...your cell phone!

Written by Richard Breese
Categories: autumn, best friend, body, halloween, humor, humorous,

halloween friend

to the skeleton within

slinking about in my skin

let me thank its feet

a halloween treat

that i do not bump my shin.

Written by Gwendolen Song
Categories: best friend, blessing, chocolate, for him, funny,

Chocolate Delivery

It's an eternal arrangement

Every week or two I have promised to send him some chocolate

Nothing fancy-just a thought from me to him

Just to let him know that I am on board with our destiny 

We will be forever friends

Chocolate has medicinal properties too you know

It melts your heart and keeps us on the same page

Best friends forever so more chocolate I will send! 

It's sorta like storing up brownie points for the future you could say!

By the time I get to heaven I should have sent him one ton of chocolate 

And a gym membership! 

Gwendolen Rix

Written by Mary Jane Randall
Categories: anger, best friend, betrayal, care, funny love, hip hop, spiritual,

Empty Words

Did you hope I wouldn't notice you gave me empty words to drink?
well my tongues tasted more lies 
than you would ever dare to think of.
You're not the only one with truth like poison in their veins.
whose ribs are shaped like cage 
holding tightly to the pain 
I knew even touched that wretched cup 
pour a glass of words to cover what you hide 
perhaps don't leave your secrets clinging tightly 
to the side 
but then again empty words.

Written by Theresa Cw
Categories: best friend, fun, humor, nonsense,

Old Man Named Woody

Old Man Named Woody

There was an old man named Woody
Always asked himself if could he?
he then walked lots
then smoked two more pots
he couldn't get up and stood-he.

Written: Oct. 30, 2015

Written by Brenda Rose
Categories: best friend, emotions, friendship, funny love, imagery, satire, word play,

My Friend Michael

I'd like you to meet a friend of mine
Michael is his name
He has not been my loss
He has not been my gain.

He helps keep my sanity
So I'm not yet insane
And when he doesn't talk too much
He doesn't leave me drained.

Honour and integrity
Is part of this man's grain
He only stands for good and right
So this man bears no stain.

He doesn't stand behind the scenes
And point the finger and maim
If he is in the wrong
He stands and takes the blame.

And if you believe this tall tale
You are far from sane
Crazy Michael's on the loose
So I must catch a train!

Brenda Elizabeth Rose

Written by Klio Tsitsikroni
Categories: best friend, friendship, funny,

Brian Bare Buttocks

Brian bared his bare buttocks because Barry his buddy bought him a beer and bet him his bare buttocks to bare. The Bobby on beat was not into bribes, He 
busted "Brian bare buttocks" and put him behind bars.

Written by Richard Breese
Categories: best friend, business, computer, food, friendship, giggle, work,


i once had a friend named beal

whose keyboard at work would squeal

his fingers they'd pound

a clickety sound

till it was time for a meal.

Written by Sidney Hall Mad Poet
Categories: funny

My Best Friend

I had a dog that loved playing in the stalls
What ever he found the little bugger mauls
Until one day
I taught him a new game to play 
Now he is content to just lick me Sidney Halls

Written by Ann Holmes Williams
Categories: beauty, best friend, drink, encouraging, friendship, funny, funny love,

Earl Grey

I taste your bergamot nectar.
Orange rhythms entice any suitor. 
I drizzle you with honey in the midst of true friends
To calm all tensions in the mist of turmoil.
Hence  I shall love you.
You shall love me.
And that is how it shall be.
For all eternity.