Funny Poems About Bathroom or Bathroom Funny Poems

Humorous and funny Bathroom poems and/or funny poems about Bathroom. Read, share, and enjoy these hilarious Bathroom funny poems! Also, try our sister website's powerful search engine for poems or see our other Bathroom Poems.

Poem Details | by Andrea Dietrich |
Categories: funny,

Don'T Ask To Go To the Bathroom

Previously entitled: "Rules are Not Always Cool" Silly Jilly could not break the rule: Stay in class during tests at the school. Soon each test-taking kid could all smell what she did in her pants! Rules are not always cool! by Andrea Dietrich For PD's Pooping Contest: Category: Don't ask to go to the bathroom!

Poem Details | by Peter Lewis Holmes |
Categories: fun, funny, music,

A Bathroom Pantoum

Antonio a tenor's ring,
in the bathroom he would sing
Gilbert and Sullivan was his thing,
oft he'd sound this manly zing,
in the bathroom he would: sing!
all his music he would bring,
oft he'd sound; this manly zing!
the kitchen staff could hear him sing,
all his; music he would bring.
Gilbert and Sullivan was his thing?
the kitchen staff could. Hear him sing!
Antonio: a tenor's ring.

Poem Details | by Harry Horsman |
Categories: funny,

Boredom In the Bathroom

The greatest relief
in life, the convenience
of a newspaper.

© Harry J Horsman  2010

Poem Details | by Angie Sharp |
Categories: funny, life, places

The Bathroom

An empty tube of toothpaste
lies desolate upon the bathroom sink.
While fragrant bars of dyed soap
turn the filthy skin a healthy pink.

A roll of soft, white toilet paper
sits silently beside the colored tile.
Two fuzzy towels cover a naked bar,
waiting to join the dirty clothes pile.

The silver mouth of the quiet faucet
vomits a refreshing liquid gold.
And the ugly, worn handles beside it
lose their printed directions of hot and cold.

The bathroom's a highway for human traffic,
and the floor feels the warmth of mortal feet.
But the busiest place within this room
is often the throne of the toilet seat.

Poem Details | by Larry Belt |
Categories: funny

The Bathroom Poem

I gotta Pee!

Poem Details | by Patrick Guffey |
Categories: funny,

Bathroom Humor

here i sit


tried to poop

but only farted

they paint these walls

to hide my den

the s**t house bandit strikes again

both poems was written by Patrick Guffey

Poem Details | by Caren Krutsinger |
Categories: humor,

Sliding Under a Bathroom Stall

if you are finicky or squeamish at all
do not crawl under that locked bathroom stall.
You never know what you will find on the ugly floor
crusty dried feces and urine, other awful stuff galore
if you are the one who locked it and slid out of the way
know that we custodians kind of despise you today.

Poem Details | by Tom Bell |
Categories: adventure, funny, mystery,

Bathroom Window

He came in thru the bathroom window,
No good intentions had he,
I was sleeping noisily,
In the next room, you see

I might'a been murdered,
I was to be robbed,
But he wasn't too bright,
At least not that night,

All he got for his troubles
Was very soapy bubbles,
Yeah, this clown was quite a dope,
Cause all he stole was a bar of soap!!

Poem Details | by Gershon Wolf |
Categories: humor,

Men's Bathroom 101

(To the tune of
   --'You're in the army now')

You're in the bathroom stall
The writing on the wall 
   Says she's a witch
   There must be a glitch
~With her, you'd had a ball!