Humorous and funny Bath poems and/or funny poems about Bath. Read, share, and enjoy these hilarious Bath funny poems! Also, try our sister website's powerful search engine for poems or see our other Bath Poems.
Poem Details | by
Elizabeth Smith |
environment, funny, hilarious, humorous, parody, satire, wisdom,
I'm what you call a bug
When humans see me they go UHG
Humans don't care about my needs
Or my sometimes good deeds
But such bothersome things
Roll right off my wings
When I can dip my feet
Blistered from the heat
In the bird bath for which I'm looking
When on a hot day I'm cooking
But the frog over there
Is beginning to stare
I'm sure he sees me as a meal that's free
So I'll jump quick in this pool
And swim fast like a fool
A nice cooling splash
And this bug revives fast
Poem Details | by
Jim Tidd |
cat, humor,
Banshee screams pierce air,
claws sharp, eyes wide and angry,
good luck with cat bath.
Poem Details | by
Betty Harp Butler |
funny, humorous,
A spring frog came to my bath one day
Unknowingly to me when I began.
I undressed quietly and stepped into the tub.
I hopped out when he jumped in!
Forgetting my clothes and propriety,
I left the room in a huff.
I will bathe when I can be by myself,
No frog will see me in the buff!
Frog though he is…
He could be a handsome prince in disguise!
Poem Details | by
Milton Toran |
Sittin' in the bath tub,
it's just me and you;
Talkin' about the day we had,
that's what we like to do
bubbles ripple through the air;
"Sorry honey, I cut the cheese!"
"Come back, let's be fair!"
Sittin' in the bath tub,
my spirit's lost its tone;
Guess I'll read the paper,
looks like I'm all alone!
Poem Details | by
Jacque Graham |
Ducky, are you here?
To splish and splash in the bath
Can't go without you
Poem Details | by
Jim Tidd |
For gift she thought to take a pic
and send it to her boyfriend Vic,
so into bubble bath she slid
naughty parts were carefully hid;
draped her towel side to side,
so her Dad would tan no hide,
used a phone and flashed a grin,
sure that smile on face would win,
but as hit “send” she saw her bind,
--- for she forgot mirror behind.
Poem Details | by
Emily Marshall |
adventure, child, childhood, children, kids, humorous, imagination,
I jump into the ocean
And climb aboard my ship.
I’m a pirate captain, Matey!
Let me give you a few tips:
1. I’ll make you walk the plank.
2. I’ll make you scrub the deck.
3. I’ll see that you do sails
before we crash and wreck.
4. A giant octopus
and Barbie are our threats.
5. We only have 10 minutes
6. We’re all in with no regrets.
When the ocean’s finally drained,
And the bubbles are all gone,
I dry and wait for next time,
Which seems to be too long.
Poem Details | by
Jan Allison |
food, humorous, silly, water,
It was bath time for my twins, I played a little joke
and filled their bathtub with purple dinosaur yolk.
The bathtub discoloured, the yolk was scummy
but in the purple gloop I found a missing dummy
Into the tub I placed my little daughter
she shivered, so I poured in hot water;
alas the egg congealed, it was a huge mistake…
for their next bath time I’ll use chocolate milk shake!
Daft and Surreal Contest
Sponsored by Kevin Shaw
Poem Details | by
Muhammad Safa Thajudeen |
humorous, water,
After decades of research,
On bathroom,
Oxford found,
Poem Details | by
Kathy Fretwell Gandy |
children, funny, water, water,
Running water in the tub
is how my bath begins.
Mommy adds some bubble bath,
then I toss in all my friends.
Next I shed my onsie
and then my diaper goes.
I jump in - making a splash,
getting water all up my nose!
I pretend that I'm swimming,
way out in the sea.
And while I'm playing make believe,
all my tub friends swim with me.
Bath time is my favorite time
and boy do I have fun!
When Mommy comes to get me out,
I start crying cause I'm not done!
Poem Details | by
James Horn |
Battle for Bird Bath
Birds did seem to be so excited
Wondering who had been invited
To be in bird bath and the first;
Should they bathe or satisfy thirst?
All sang and screeched for a while
Then each other up would rile;
Last one arriving and coming late
Is the bird who will have to wait.
Weather was peaceful and could see
Better then this it could never be
Free as a bird and singing like one
No wonder they all have so much fun.
Copyright © James Horn | Year Posted 2013
Had to re-post this one after thinking
about Bernie and his bird episode. Who
said he was for the birds and drifting
around somewhere near Pluto? I wonder.
Poem Details | by
Paula Goldsmith |
fun, humor, mom, water,
Delightful water
Today I splashed-played and swam
Mom said I was clean
Date Written:5/29/2021
Note: A lake or the ocean can be a great and fun way to take a bath and get clean. Bite Size Poem 3 Poetry Contest Sponsored by: Line Gauthier
Poem Details | by
Cheryl Hoffman |
There was a young man from Bath
when folks found out they would laugh
because you could tell
he had a foul smell
just mention bath and he would dash
Poem Details | by
Gershon Wolf |
food, humorous, literature, wife, word play,
The Wife of Bath
She made me laugh
Can't recall now precisely why
It's something she stirred
with her foot in her mouth
and humerus in gooseberry pie
Poem Details | by
Romeo Naces |
family, funny, happiness,
this craze called foot spa
restores a lot of chutzpah
shy toes of grandpa
Poem Details | by
James Horn |
While Taking My Bath
To meet, other people will have demands
Yet, I have too much time on my hands
Playing guitar with my poetry writing
At all, to some might not sound exciting.
Another poem has popped into my mind
For it on guitar few notes have to find
Trying hard looking all over the place
Until I have become red in the face.
Maybe should make up my bed instead
To myself, more of my new email read
My reply what I said when I answered
Even if a nerd was completely absurd.
What a way to start another new day
Write more poems and my guitar play
My wife and whole world would laugh
Me playing my guitar taking a bath.
James Thesarious Hilarious Horn
Bolivia, NC
Poem Details | by
Caren Krutsinger |
Taking a bath is easy
When you are young
And you are not given a choice
And someone else draws it for you
Taking a bath is fantastic
When you want to relax and
Soak in warm bubbles
And it is your safe place
Taking a bath is a hardship
If you are old and frumpy
And you do not feel like filling the tub.
I have been staring at it for three nights now.
Poem Details | by
Rico Leffanta |
The Romans preferred a good soak
But ladies choose pools with a bloke
For even a fool
Knows water gets cool
Unless there is a bloke to stoke
Poem Details | by
Emile Pinet |
10th grade, 9th grade, child, cute, humor, image, imagery,
Saturday I got to choose fun foods to eat
Particularly when mom ordered in pizza.
Let’s say it was the best day of the week
Invoking that savory smell of pepperoni.
Sunday was for repenting Saturday’s sin
Hallelujah, the tweaking songbirds sing.
Saturday nights I’d try to outwit my mom
Pretending I didn’t want my rubber ducky
Linking my baths to water torture, I’d sob,
Although I kinda loved my bathtime, sorta.
Since it was my plan, punishment felt just,
Half an hour longer got added to my bath.
(Double Acrostic)
The left side reads... SPLISH SPLASH
The right side reads.. TAKING MY BATH
Poem Details | by
James Edward Lee Sr. |
allusion, analogy, endurance, funny,
I took myself
to the laundry mat
I open up the washer door
I jumped in
My friend closed the door
Place quarters in the slot
Started spinning, screaming LET ME OUT ..
I just realize I got vertigo and I can't swim
I guess I shouldn't got in, LOL
Written words by James Edward Lee Sr 2020
Poem Details | by
Alkas Poetry |
allegory, allusion, creation, extended metaphor, humorous, joy, tribute,
The night has dreams of waltzes,
the day smells of salt...
In the day I bathe in the sea
under sunlight...
At night I bathe under the moon,
I become whiter than snow...
what luck to preferred and
share astral friendship... !
Poem Details | by
Nick Trim |
christmas, humorous,
We got roads with no cars
all the tourists depart
it’s the one day a year that this city is ours
we eat til we’re full up fall asleep and we fart
as Milsom Street sits bright
lights turned on by stars
in Twerton there’s some bugger stealing your car
they crash it in Southdown they pissed out their ****
no one is religious ain’t Christmas a farce
Oh I fooking love spending Christmas in Barth
Poem Details | by
Matthew Herfurth |
Bath Plugs
The bath plugs, who weekly have been
talking with my
aloof and snappy parents about
presenting me in front of
a TV (oh how the anguish of
paranoid will kill me!) audience to
show, mock, my
sickness, are inductees of
the governing body of
the City of