Funny Poems About Basketball or Basketball Funny Poems

Humorous and funny Basketball poems and/or funny poems about Basketball. Read, share, and enjoy these hilarious Basketball funny poems!

Written by Bill Baker
Categories: basketball, clothes, feelings, games, humor, jobs, loss,


I made the bet on who’d win the game
the Bulls looked great; my team played quite lame
dressed in clown’s clothes
with a red clown nose
the whole office will laugh without shame

Written by James Study
Categories: humorous, sports,

A Basketball Tale

Basketball tip off at grade school game
My biggest lifetime shot at fame
Got the ball and took off
Heard the yells from aloft
Wrong way I went but good my aim

Written by Brian Mcmahon
Categories: art, basketball, bridal shower, cat, humor,


The songs of endings:
lifeforms: the unintended
consequences king.

Written by Jessica Amanda Salmonson
Categories: baseball, basketball, games, high school, humor, teacher, teen,

Our School Cheer

On the floor.

Written by Daniel Hunter
Categories: basketball, humorous, introspection, remember,

Basketball Meanderings


Played basketball with Fred at a church.
Haven’t played basketball
since my daughter
was a twinkle in my eye.
All the things
I used to do with a ball,
I had put away
in a file marked “use to.”
Sometimes, I take it out,
dust it off, look it over,
then put it back for later.
Every now and then,
I make a basket, throw a pass,
that reminds me
of the “use to” file.
That file gets added to daily.
I just don’t use it 
as much as I ‘use to.”

Written by Lu Loo
Categories: basketball, funny, silly,

Epigram Couplet Contest

Epigram Couplet Contest
Sponsor: Silent One

Belly ache when the basketball game had started,
I was shooting a lay up, and accidentally farted!

Written: November 21, 2015

Written by Gershon Wolf
Categories: basketball, humorous, stars,

Sports Shorts -- Layups

Patrick Ewing
  What you chewing?

Larry Bird
  Hall-of-Fame assured

Scottie Pippen
  Lid's still flippin'

Tim Duncan
  Legacy hasn't sunk in

Bill Bradley
  Didn't play badly

Walt Frazier
  Sharp as a razor

Moses Malone
  The backboard you owned

George (The Iceman Cometh) Gervin
  a-wigglin' and swervin'

Reggie Miller
  4th-quarter killer

Manute Bol
  Bless his soul

Written by Gershon Wolf
Categories: basketball, cool, giggle, word play,

Where Mister Gilbert Arenas Can Go

Mister Gilbert Arenas tweeted that 'no one will care'
  if Nikola Jokic, two-time NBA MVP at 24, becomes the heir
    to players like Michael Jordan, who played with some flair

  'Jokic's not cool enough,' says this Mr. Gilbert Arenas
  Well then, Mr. NO MVP OR TITLE EVER WON ~
    You can just go and stroke your pen...(al thing) for us

Written by Lin Lane
Categories: basketball, humor,


He scored on me with each shot he took ~ until I deflated his balls

Written by Maclawrence Famuyiwa
Categories: america, basketball, dream, humorous, motivation, sports, star,

Hakeem the dream

Hakeem "The Dream" Olajuwon,
Had moves defenders would frown upon.
From Lagos to Texas, he rose to fame,
And left rivals grasping in shame.

As "Little Moses," they called his name,
In Houston, he rose to acclaim.
He ruled with finesse,
Brought gold to the press,
And walked in the halls of great fame.

Till today, he's a legend of the game,
And basketball players still honour his name.
One of the greatest, his legacy thrives,
Still sharing his wisdom in many lives.

Written by Jerrold Prothero
Categories: basketball, funny, future, humor, humorous, pride, sports,

Basketball Picks

Untimely was Hamilton Hicks
In making his basketball picks.
He knew it all well,
How each bracket fell,
But always too late with his clicks.