Funny Poems About Ballad or Ballad Funny Poems

Humorous and funny Ballad poems and/or funny poems about Ballad. Read, share, and enjoy these hilarious Ballad funny poems! Also, try our sister website's powerful search engine for poems or see our other Ballad Poems.

Poem Details | by Poet Destroyer A |
Categories: adventure, animal, beautiful, blessing, celebrity, funny, life,

The Squirrel

~My Nutty Squirrel Poem~

Up in a tree, on a branch
Now you see me, now you don't!

Sneaky and fast, I'm adorable
Now, why would you hunt or shot me for fun?
Do you like, how fast I run?
I'm not just another chipmunk 
Stuffing my face with nuts,
I'm classy and beautiful, 
The  best  part  of   nature.....

Red pointed ears, I hear you drawing near.
Chuckle, chuckle, caffeine free
I saw you looking at my fine coat.
Fluffy and curious, touch me and I'm Calling PETA!
See YA---  Life Is Beautiful!!!
I'm stuffing these nuts back into my mouth 
and Jumping onto another tree :) The End
Love The Squirrel from another World.  

Poem Details | by Viv Wigley |
Categories: humor,

The Ballad of Connie Marcum Wong

An idiom by which she's always stuck
is 'having one's head buried in a book'
The truth behind it, she was unprepared
that morning as she went to climb the stairs.
Stopping to lift a bottle, bad mistake
especially when one isn't quite awake
her balance gone, could not control herself
now plunging headlong into the book shelf.
Bruised head, bruised knees,bruised pride was quite enough,
thankfully, make-up would disguise the scuffs.
But then she only went and made it worse
by saying that it would make a good verse.

Hopefully next time she will be wiser
and not tell me, but tell 'Trip Advisor'

29th August 2016
With love, Connie, from Viv x

Poem Details | by L Milton Hankins |
Categories: childhood, christmas, humorous,

Atlanta Santa

imagine me upon his knee a little child so meek and mild thrilled to visit our dear Santa in the heart of old Atlanta such a precocious little child thrilled to visit our dear Santa in southern Georgia warm and wild not in the least my mind beguiled in the heart of old Atlanta imagine me thrilled to visit our dear Santa a little child so meek and mild in southern Georgia warm and wild upon his knee upon his knee imagine me
THIRD PLACE WINNER written December 1, 2021 for "Meditative Ballad" poetry contest sponsored by Emile Pinet syllables checked by HMS rhymes check with

Poem Details | by B. Andrew Kelly |
Categories: allegory, anxiety, funny, life, silly, surreal,

Ballad for the Wacky Waving Inflatable Tube-Man

air rockets skyward
uppercutting inside
plastic neon flesh
contorting at inhuman angles
what does my body language spell?

ankles anchored into the Earth
to stay grounded as the wave
of time and space crashes
a flood of stagnant flux

there is a symphony of bones
snapping and cracking
in twisted orchestrations
the act of existing for me
is a resilient demonstration

Poem Details | by Shaina Rodriguez |
Categories: character, funny, humor, humorous, innocence, rude, silly,

I'M Not Mean

I am a very nice person I'll tell you about my day I'll sit and listen about yours And hear what you have to say I'll make sure you look very good I'll tell you about your fly Tell you when your crush is coming Or tell you if he walks by I come off very sarcastic I do it to make you laugh My sarcasm sounds kind of mean It's funny on my behalf

Poem Details | by Mike Martin |
Categories: adventure, hilarious, humor, humorous, myth, mythology, satire,

Big Mac

McMar’s old man didn't like him much
But he never wondered why
All sorts of horrid demons
Could seen in the old man's eye

McMar’s own mother, Doreeane
Couldn’t wait to deliver her son
They say he tipped the scale
Right around 10.1

The nurses couldn’t believe it
The young one brought him in
“Here’s your new Big Mac”, she said
With a happy little grin

Doree said, Oh, Motherload! 
I’m having a heart attack
How in the world did you ever know
I was thinking of calling him Mac

Poem Details | by Eve Peterson |
Categories: child, daughter, funny, son,

Rubber Duckie

Rubber duckie you're the one
You're the reason I'm the one
Rubber duckie
You're the one for me

Poem Details | by Thaddeus Tarpey |
Categories: halloween, humorous, october,

Candy Corn

When the Autumn sun warms dying stalks
Of corn with unkempt tassel locks.
The earth turns from green to brown,
Candy corn comes to town.

A cackling witch stokes the ember
Smoky spirits escape the timber.
The leaves in trees turn an amber hue,
Candy Corn, I yearn for you.

Across my path a shadow creeps,
Into day, nighttime seeps.
My dreams turn to sugary storms.
Candy corn, keep me warm.

Before I die and decompose,
Let me warm by your coals.
Orange, white, yellow form,
The wonderment of Candy corn.

Poem Details | by Jakob Vaught |
Categories: funny, summer,

Saturday Morning

I woke up in a Saturday Morning
sleeping in too late.
It is a little boring
this is the mood I really hate.

I missed all of my favorite cartoons
its now 11 o'clock.
Maybe I should play with my harpoon
but I know I'll just be told to stop.

While I'm writing this poem
my brother comes up to me and says hey.
Then I go to my friends home
and that is what makes my Saturday.

Jakob Vaught

Poem Details | by Marlowe Sr. |
Categories: anger, emotions, funny love, lost love, love, love hurts,

Asking Her Out

I asked. She said No. Talked to her on Facebook, She said No. Shook hands with her buddies, Befriended her mamma, But from her it was still a No. She grumbled, And said No. She thanked me for the bouquet, But still said No. Called her day and night Mailed her every fortnight, But from her it was still a big No. Then she writes back to apologize, But it is still a No! Ah well, I should have gotten the message, That was loud and clear, When Michelle had said No!

Poem Details | by Linda Hays-Gibbs |
Categories: death, depression, eulogy, farewell, feelings, giggle, suicide,

Funny Man

Funny Man!
By Linda Hays-Gibbs
Oh funny man you touch the hardest heart
With messages to crumble and start
A snickering or flickering to spark 
A laugh a full belly rumbler
A genius of illogical and logical matter
Without him the whole world is astronomically sadder
Oh let our grief someday subside 
That we in heaven will find 
A bench upfront to see his latest comedic job ( I pray)
The jester (Robin Williams) at heaven's court for God

Poem Details | by Sharon Mason |
Categories: funny,

Shady Lady





Poem Details | by Solomon Ochwo-Oburu |
Categories: anxiety, beauty, emotions, first love, funny love, girlfriend, imagery,

Your Sweet Face

Eva’s daughter, listen
Remove the blanket
Of dark and angry clouds 
That covers your sweet face
Let the sun shine on your face
And let Adam’s handsome son
Harvest your delicious smiles
From your sweet face
That kills, kills the souls
Of many
With sweetness
And wild imagination

Poem Details | by Michelle Born |
Categories: change, emo, gothic, heart, hilarious, mirror, poetry,


There are times some mat be some what miserable

To me my life isn't bad enough to say it is terrible,

I am happy and blessed with my whole world

Those whom are not happy always live in turmoil,

Misery loves company they always say

yes it is sad that others do feel this way,

My heart goes out to those but, they have to be the ones wanting to change

The negativity they have in their souls needs to be rearranged.

Written By: Unique Poetry 2015

Poem Details | by Ken Duddle |
Categories: funny,

Ballad of Boris Blood

(To the tune of Robin Hood)

Boris Blood Boris Blood
Mayor of London town
Boris Blood Boris Blood
Some say he;s a clownl

Takes off the poor
Gives to the rich
Boris Blood Boris Blood.

Boris Blood Boris Blood
Went to public school
Boris Blood Boris Blood
So who does he fool

Takes from the poor
Gives to the rich
Boris Blood Boris Blood.

Boris Blood Boris Blood
Claims he does care
Boris Blood Boris Blood
Says he is being fair

Takes from the poor
Gives to the rich
Boris Blood Boris Blood.

Poem Details | by Jon Fieni |
Categories: adventure, angst, humorous,

Flight of the Lemon

I awoke this morning,
All was Grand.
Till I met my neighbor....
A lemon in her hand.

“Hold still” she shouted
“A target I need”.
 So there I stood
 As in a freeze.

 She looked at me
 Both up and down
 She judged the wind
 Without a sound.

 She swung her arm
 With all her might.
 A yellow blur.....
 The lemon took flight.

 At me, At me
 The lemon did fly.
 Numb with fear
 I closed each eye.

 I felt a breeze 
 Pass by my face.
 She missed! She missed!
 By God’s good Grace....

Poem Details | by Lambert Adwini-Poku |
Categories: absence, allah, angel, beauty, blessing, career, hilarious,

Trombone With the Angels

I better take my trombone lessons serious
Not for fun or fame, neither for leisure
A prophesy I wish to help see light from the Bible
“At the judgment day Angels will blow their trumpet
But forgot trombones will also match
The quality of the sound that will blow
I will surely render my service for free
(After all God loves a cheerful giver)
And hope to receive the blessing of salvation
To find my way to the segmentation of the sheep
How lucky I will be. That faithful day,
If the Angels blow their trumpet, I will take out my trombone
And proudly blow my trombone.

If Angel Michael blows his old trumpet,
I will blow my new trombone.

Poem Details | by Jack Ellison |
Categories: humor, parody,

The Limmerjack Song

Oh, I'm a Limmerjack and I'm okay I sleep all night and I write all day I write silly stuff, I fry my brain I go to the lava-tree On weekday's I get hammered And write about thirty-three I write pretty poems I eat lotsa stuff I goes to the lava-tree On weekday's I get hammered And write about thirty-three CHORUS I write silly stuff, I fry my brain I like to pick wild flowers I dress up in women's clothing And hang around in showers Oh, I'm a Limmerjack and I'm okay I sleep all night and I write all day (My apologies to Monty Python but Carol made me do it) © Jack Ellison 2015

Poem Details | by Susan Mayes |
Categories: funny

Beth's Story

This I wrote as a joke for a friend, she had been singing
the trucker wife blues for a few days........

All ready married for a hundred years
A middle aged man had to try the gears
Best thing he'd done
Since he gave up the beers

She said good bye with a tear
Missing him was a fear
Now she hates to hear
I'm coming home dear

A broken record
That continues to play
He moans and groans
Just on and on

The king has arrived
So drop what your doing
Why can't he just stay gone
And leave her the heck alone

Poem Details | by Cheyenne Shelby |
Categories: funny, happy, imagination,


During the night 
She got in the fight 
With a person named right
That might keep the light 
From returning at dawn
They both took a yawn 
Then out popped out a song

Poem Details | by Mike Martin |
Categories: humor,

The Rodeo

There was mister O and sister O
DeeDee O and Baby O
Doggy O and Granny O
All listening to the radio

So Maddie O and Daddy O
Mommy O and Landon O
Betty O and Idun O
All heard about the rodeo

Here comes a rowdy bunch of O’s
They even brought their cheerios
They’re stepping on each others toes
Demar to one anothers clothes

Where's the free kin rodeo
We heard it on the radio
You’re far too loud, you’ll have to go
It’s lovely to have met eo
Copyright © Mike Martin 2015

Poem Details | by Stuart Chandler |
Categories: car, depression, humor, loss,

Transport Costs

Its My car

Thousands of miles together we travelled
maps then a sat nav journeys unravelled
collected all sorts, even went to the tip
bus into town, no in the car I'll just nip
MOT services tax, insurance as well
paying the bills down to me it all fell
Now at the end the bills just to big
think its all over I have to admit
one last journey together we made
down to the scrapers only I walked away
the end of this tale is not very nice
travelling on roads comes at a price
pounds shillings and pence me it did cost
but for my beautiful car its life was lost...

Poem Details | by Tyshawn Knight |
Categories: beautiful, black african american, cute love, dance, funny, song, urban,

Levi Jeans

God do I need a man?
I know I need a pair of pants
Levi Jeans
Like the one advertised
on Alicia Keys.
Pants that fit me right
Close to my skin
But not too tight.
Let me move about 
Day and night
Blue black
and out of sight.
But do I need a man?
Do I need a man?
Not if I have a pair of pants
Levi Jeans
Like the one advertised
on Alicia Keys...

Poem Details | by Wren Rushing |
Categories: humorous,

The Ballad of Sam Walton

People go out,
 people  go in.
Money they earn,
 money they spend. 

Buggies are filled,
 registers ring.
Wallets are drained, 
 Walton's they sing.

Prices go up, 
 wages go down.
Holders wear smiles,
 workers wear frowns.

New store, new town.
 Mom and Pop shop,
have to shut down.

Poem Details | by George Zamalea |
Categories: forgiveness, funny, space,

Lazy Moon

No mind to wait
From the pained wind
Down's moon
For the last siren.

I got that feeling
Everywhere I go she will 
Be watching me from above.