Funny Poems About Bad or Bad Funny Poems

Humorous and funny Bad poems and/or funny poems about Bad. Read, share, and enjoy these hilarious Bad funny poems! Also, try our sister website's powerful search engine for poems or see our other Bad Poems.

Poem Details | by Ralph Taylor |
Categories: funny

Bad News

When the Doctors exam was through

he said I got good news and bad news its true

        You've chosen the worst

        to hear about first

they're gonna name this disease after you!

Poem Details | by Tim Ryerson |
Categories: friend, funny,

And She's Not Bad Lookin Either

Her Soup name we know as PD
Her REAL name is Linda you see
And Irma as well
Trevino! I yell
From my rooftop...Can’t hear me? (Poor me)

For a very special and loyal friend...

Poem Details | by Arthur Vaso |
Categories: art, hilarious, humor, humorous, perspective, philosophy,

I Am a Very Bad Poet

So I have been told
by a drunk
does he own a pair of shoes?
has he ever walked in another's?
mean and grouchy
unkind to falling leaves
what dreams were stolen
was he the thief or victim robbed?
or does whiskey make him dumb?
and numb
narrow is the hateful mind
who sold his dignity
a silver coin for naught
Scrooge counting compliments like gold ingots
stealing orphans smiles, scotch with spite
the elevator though goes only down
fury and fires and poetic justices
he will burn in hell
listening  forever to the angels voices
reciting for eternity
very bad poetry

Poem Details | by Jan Allison |
Categories: humorous, poetry,

From Bad To Verse

Jan doesn't write iambic pentameter So please don't condescend and mock her We have different styles I bring laughter and smiles Please remember Jan is just an amateur! 30th April 2015

Poem Details | by Pat Adams |
Categories: christmas, holiday, horror, humor,

Santa's Bad Day

The elves filled Santa's sack with toys
For all the good little girls and boys

When he lifted it up he used his back
Instead of his legs and he tore his sack

An elf gave a band-aid to Santa, their proctor
Santa said, "No, I need to go to a doctor"

But sadly a doctor he would do without
There was no time, so he started his route

He stood up in the sleigh, his jewels in a brace
Yelling, "OW, Merry Christmas!", all over the place!

Poem Details | by Mark Koplin |
Categories: humor,

Bad Stew - Warning: Explicit Poo Content

I have the outhouse in view
I had grandma’s squirrel stew
Dessert was a tart
I will not dare fart
I will sit in my own pew

*in honor of Jan's Birthday tomorrow*

Poem Details | by Lycia Harding |
Categories: bird, cat, humorous, tree,

Bad Kitty - Birdie's

He listened for them in the wood
as daylight blossomed, poised to prowl
For breakfast, breast meat sounded good 
and Cat could feel his stomach growl

Soon, struck by a cacophany
of cheeps and chirps, of coos and caws,
Cat snuck up on them, tree by tree
and hushed each cluck with teeth and claws

They paid no mind, so were plucked clean
from every nook where they would sing
but had they looked, they might have seen
him right behind them and took wing! 

When Cat had eaten every bird, 
he retched a ball of beaks and feet,
spat out one final bone and purred,
outstretched atop the spongey peet...

Poem Details | by Duke Beaufort |
Categories: humor, retirement,

all good and some bad things come to an end

Retirement offers things new
I'm shouting a hip-hip yahoo
If what you’re feeling
Comes from a glass ceiling
Stop squealing and just say I'm through!

Retirement offers a lift
With no bad-*** boss who gets miffed
Since freedom will ring
The songs that I’ll sing
Sound more like those by Taylor Swift

Poem Details | by Janet Grace |
Categories: animal, cat, happiness, humorous,

Bad News Kittens

Kittens caper
                                           Crinkle paper
                                          To ruin the news
                                              Wad it up
                                            Bat and cuff 
                                            Bite and chew
                                           Strike with claws                  
                                           Shred with jaws
                                         Rip to smithereens 
                                        No newspaper news 
                                         Today will be seen

Poem Details | by Tim Ryerson |
Categories: career, funny,

Bad Breath Blues - the Boss Is Always Right

You’ve forgotten to floss, I think
(My nose frets and frowns as I shrink)
Purchase mints by the bag!
Brush your tongue til you gag!
(My eyes water up at the stink)

"Yes sir, I am really quite fine!
"Allergies, you know," is my line
"No sir, wasn't crying!"
(My brain is just frying)
"Do lunch? Why, the pleasure is mine!"

*Unfortunately, this is a somewhat exaggerated version of a true story...

Poem Details | by Drjim Martin |
Categories: funny,

Bad Day For a Bike Ride

Bad Day for a Bike Ride
Dr. James E. Martin
©May, 2013

He rode his bike up the hill,
Amazed that he could do it still.
On the way down,
A surprise he found,
He experienced an unexpected spill.

Poem Details | by Timothy Hicks |
Categories: anxiety, bereavement, courage, fear, humor, loneliness, nature,

Is Humanity That Bad

"Is humanity that bad?" pondered the lighthouse keeper, frightened with the sea

Written March 27th, 2016
For the See or Feel Contest Hosted by Poet Destroyer

Placed 2nd

Poem Details | by Cheryl Hoffman |
Categories: hair, humor,

Bad Hair Day

Today my hair had a mind of its own,
being in the static electricity zone,
put in some mousse,
still looked uncouth,
walking around like an Alfalfa clone.


Poem Details | by Robert L. Hinshaw |
Categories: animals, funny

A Bad Hare Day

Aesop writes about an unlikely pair

     A race betwixt a turtle and a hare

          While the hare fiddled around

               The wily turtle gained ground

                    Resulting in the hare losing the dare

Robert L. Hinshaw, CMSgt, USAF, Retired
© All Rights Reserved

Poem Details | by Robert L. Hinshaw |
Categories: dog, humorous,

Bad Dog

Hark! Hark! The pesky dog doth bark,

   And deposits indiscretions in the park!

      Perhaps doggie wouldn't be such a klutz,

         If masters would learn to mind their mutts!

Robert L. Hinshaw, CMSgt, USAF, Retired
(c) 2014 All Rights Reserved

Using a ton of poetic license, this write is based on an old nursery rhyme!

Poem Details | by Barbara Gorelick |
Categories: funny

A Bad Hair Day

Purple spikes pointing toward the sky
Do you suppose he woke that way?
Can anyone tell me the reason why
He'd strive to have " A Bad Hair Day'?

Poem Details | by Dane Ann Smith-Johnsen |
Categories: funny, holidayhalloween,

Bad Ghoulish Goblin

There once was a bad ghoulish goblin.
Thump, thump on a crutch he was hobblin’.
It was Halloween night.
He dared to give a fright.
But he fell to the ground; he was wobblin’.

© November 4, 2010
Dane Smith-Johnsen

Poem Details | by Laura Leiser |
Categories: funny,

Bad Date Night

Up late
Blind date

Old car
Sub par

We ate
Rare steak

He had
Bad gas

His pad
So sad

No clue
So blue

I need
To leave

Back home
Don't phone

Written on 3/29/2015

Poem Details | by Barbara Gorelick |
Categories: humor, imagination,

A Bad Day On the High Seas - Repost

Ye dirty son of a sea dog
Ye rotten pile o' bones
Ye'll see the end o' me cutlass
I'll intrrroduce ye to Davey Jones

Ye'll not be getn me treasure
For Ive the map ye see
Ill set ye adrift in a leaky skiff
And food for fish ye'll be

Me chest be filled wi diamonds
And rubies, pearls and such
But ye'll be treadn water
Me treasure ye wont touch

My ode to pirates everywhere..

Poem Details | by Lindsay Laurie |
Categories: humor,

Bad News

Today Doctor had my wife in tears,
He delivered her greatest of fears,
For a full body check
left her a mental wreck...  
I should live for twenty more years.

Poem Details | by Skat A |
Categories: funny,

Bad Situation

This poem was removed, because Poetry Soup,
keeps posting this poem on the featured home page.
As if I don't have 150 others to choose from.
For some bad reason, 
poetry soup's always featuring the same poems
From my poem list.
In 5 years, this very bad poem, has been featured 3 times.
I had to remove it.... Thank you Soup

         S.K.A.T. poetry

Poem Details | by Ralph Taylor |
Categories: humor,

Good News - Bad News

His Doc stated "You got a problem my friend",

when his examination was through!

"But, there again, the news isn't all bad!

We're naming this disease, after you"!

Poem Details | by Hgarvey Daniel Esquire |
Categories: adventure, funny, pets

Bad Puppy

My new little Pup
She Bit my computer cord
Off line for a week

Poem Details | by Barbara Gorelick |
Categories: funny, lust,

Bad Luck

Poor old Dan was a bit of a schmuck
Ran out of gas in his brand new truck
Now late for his date
Boy, was she irate
No hanky panky was his bad luck

hanky panky- loosely translated as sexual activity

Poem Details | by Jerry T Curtis |
Categories: humor, nonsense, silly,

A Bad Poem Day

I've been writing now, fourscore years and ten
I started with a crayon, switch to pencil and then pen
And even though I'm older now, I still can make a bloop
Using my new keyboard to poop right in my soup