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Funny Poems About Alliteration
Humorous and funny Alliteration poems and/or funny poems about Alliteration. Read, share, and enjoy these hilarious Alliteration funny poems!
Written by
Linda-Marie Sweetheart
12 Days of Christmas Craves
"12 Days of Christmas Craves"
On the twelfth day of Christmas
My true love sent to me
12 twinkling tiaras
Eleven emerald elephants
Ten Tiffany trinkets
Nine naughty negligees
Eight echoing elves
Seven sequined stars
Six sexy singers
Five fake fingernails s s s
Four furry foxes
Three tingling tamborines
Two turtledoves
And peach tree in pail via e-mails s s s.
*For P.D.'S 12 Days of Christmas.
*Written by: Linda-Marie "Sweetheart".
Written by
David Williams
Slippery Sloppery
A slippery sloppery slipping snail
Slithered slimed and slid on the floor
Feeling hurried harried hungry and helpless
As starlings screeched spiraled and saw
That slippery sloppery slipping snail
Who slithered slimed and slid on the floor
A fluttering of feathers fell frighteningly fast
Meant that slippery sloppery slipping snail
Who slithered slimed and slid was no more.
Written by
Mike Gentile
happiness, happy, humor, humorous, sea, success,
Oh That Suzy
If Suzy sells sea shells at the sea shore
and has supposedly sold them for some time
after all these years,
Why hasn’t Suzy had the sense to save some coin
or secure herself a real job
So surely, you say, I should let Suzy be
to sell her damn sea shells all day by the sea
It’s silly but she’s simply squealing with glee
With sunshine and shells,
she’s much smarter than me
Written by
L Milton Hankins
fantasy, fate, fun, humorous, word play,
Saucy Sally and Studly Sam
Saucy Sally, sits solemnly on said sidewalk,
Stifling sniffles, sees sympathetic staring,
Some snidely shuffling slowly sideways, so
She surreptitiously swallows her sadness.
Studly Sam, strolling six shaggy sheepdogs,
Soon seizes on saucy Sally’s situation, and
Saunters steadily, still standing; swiftly,
Suggests she stifle her sniveling sadness.
Suddenly, she’s sharing six shaggy sheepdogs,
Silently, Sam says, sweet saucy Sally stay.
Written August 18, 2022
Submitted to "Alliteration - Old or New" Poetry Contest
Sponsored by Joseph May
August 30, 2022
Written by
Paula Goldsmith
cat, giggle, rap, sleep, smile, uplifting, words,
The Cat Nursery Rhyme
Cat cat wear your cap,
Cat cat go catch a rat.
Cat cat paws to tap,
Cat cat can you rap?
Cat cat now take your nap.
Written by
Paula Goldsmith
america, baby, beautiful, blue, butterfly, funny, humorous,
Apple Appetite
ample appealing
Adam an American
artificial air
Butter best baby
beautiful blue butterflies
buying buckwheat bread
Crackers cherry crust
cinnamon cheese cereal
crispy crunchy crumbs
Date Written: 7/20/2020
Written by
Jan Allison
child, food, fun, humorous,
Silly Sausage
Silly Sally scoffed six succulent spicy sausages
Six succulent spicy sausages silly Sally scoffed
Silly Sally succumbed to sickness!
Written by
Dan Cwiak
age, funny, humorous, imagination, word play,
Peter Piper - Pickpocket
Perhaps Peter Piper did not pick a peck of pickled peppers,
Perchance Peter purloined them.
Peter's pretext for pickled peppers puts people at ease,
Pickpocket's ploy personified.
Personalizing praise for Peter's pesky presumption,
People put Peter's penchant for peppers praiseworthy.
Perhaps, Peter pretended to pick the peck of pickled peppers,
People should portend where Peter put the peck he picked.
Peter passed plenty of peppers to people,
Personifying Peter and his peck.
Prided peppers purloined or in a pepper peck,
Peter put in his pants pockets.
Written by
Margaret Foster
Wind Chimes
Wind chimes
When ten thin tinkling tin things twinkle and tingle in the wind
twinkling and tinkling the ten thin tin things make a tingling tintinnabulation of joy
The grandchildren think I’m off my head....
Written by
John Freeman
The Gods
`The 112th congress quibbles, fickle, frizzing, drizzle of dubious dribble, while we wait, …on the sick, fickle, trickle of dribble ,from their quibbles of fizzling sizzle.
For and In Honor of Gwendolen Rix
And contest: Big Kid Tongue Twister Challenge
Written by
Nick Bagnall
fantasy, food, funny,
Five Funny Fairies
Five funny fairies, Fond of fairy-cakes
Flying far from fairyland, Foraging for food
Five fairies feasted, on flowers full of fat
Freesia, Fuchsia, Fairy-fluff, frosted with fig fudge
Five fat Fairies, full of fairy food
Floating back to fairyland, flying far from fast
Contest : Alliteration Poems Please
2nd Place
Written by
Andrea Dietrich
The Princess and the Pimp
A preening promiscuous princess posed as "Penelope Prude."
With her poodle and parasol; well-perfumed, on Pine Street she stood.
A pompous pilfering pimp with a pink-painted poodle passed by.
He paused, popped his eyes, then approached while plotting to pounce and ply
the princess with persimmons and pearls, prepared to profit from her,
but Penelope quipped, “Poppycock! I’m a capitalistic entrepreneur!”
For john freeman's "Alliteration Poems Please Poetry Contest"
Written by
Doris Culverhouse
funny, holiday, labor day,
Alliteration Holiday
Labor day holiday is laughingly laborious
Pack a punch of partying
On one only lonely playful day
Tonight the trio sets the timepiece to
alarm again in the am another
Work and school worry with the rules day
Contest: Alliteration
Sponsor: John Freeman
Written by
S.Zaynab Kamoonpuri
Nida and Nazim, the newlyweds noticed the newmoon.
A big brown bat banished them from boon.
The hubby and wife headed back inside for their honeymoon.
The mystery of night brought them out again
Together in love nothing could scare them for long
Nocturnal sounds added to their curiosity
As they explored each other in passion's song
Written by
Cory Long
funny, easter,
Tounge Twister
Eight elephants ate eight eggs on Easter in England with eighty eight elves.
Written by
Barry Stebbings
Silly Sally
Silly Sally
Silly Sally sat silently sifting sugar
For Billy the baker to bake better buttered buns.
But silly Sally smiled so seductively,
Billy burnt the better butter buns he'd baked.
Barry Stebbings
Written by
Mark Goodson
funny, social, blue, blue,
Alliteration In B
The blue ball bounced against the rubber baby buggy bumper.
Bobby Brown’s bright blue blazer matched Betty’s blue bloomers.
Baseball is business blessed beyond belief.
Brook’s brother boiled beetle bugs for breakfast.
The bow of the boat blocked the big barge.
Bill’s barrel belly button bares birthday bacteria.
Baboons beam beautiful ballads for bitter berry bush butter.
Bonnie’s buttons battle the bulge.
Written by
David Sollis
birthday, humorous, life, time,
Many Unhappy Returns
It’s a work day
And it’s my Birthday
All the fours
Male menopause
A Grade - A
Gray Day
Life’s not designed
To be kind
Never mind – eh!
Written by
Richard Lamoureux
animal, giggle,
Betty Boops Beaver
Betty Boop’s Beaver
The brazen Billy Bailey,
could be such a bad bad boy.
One day he bopped a beaver
who was busy working by the bay.
The beaver then bit Billy
near the bottom of his butt.
The beaver’s big bright teeth,
left a big bright bleeding cut
Then poor bawling Billy Bailey,
was bouncing by the bay
Just as beautiful Betty Boop
was passing by his way
She said “It’s best not to bop beavers,
be a gentle boy instead.
Drop by my boudoir later
You can caress my beaver in my bed.”
December 12th 2020
For Eve Roper’s Alliteration contest
Written by
Andrea Dietrich
funny, sick,
Six Simpering Thick-Skinned Shifty Spinster Sisters
Six simpering thick-skinned shifty spinster sisters stiffly sit
Stitching sticky skid-marked scivvies of sixty sick stingy sailors.
Six sick from stitching scivvies of sixty sick scrimping sailors
Stickle over nickels; those insistent six thick-skinned spinster tailors!
For Joe Sandler's Tongue Twister Challenge Poetry Contest
Written by
John Lawless
cat, humor,
Cat Calls - One Liner
The caterwauling cacophony of a cadre of cats copulating in a can.
submitted to – One liners five – Poetry Contest
sponsor – Silent One
Written by
Jen H.
Apples Ate Apes
Bananas Beat Bullies
Courage Conquers Cowards
Dolls Do Dances
Eggs Eat Everyone
Fears Freeze Fate
Grapes Greed Gold
Happiness Holds Hearts
Ignorance Is Irregular
Jack Joy Jill
Kicking Kangaroos KO
Liquor Likes Laziness
Mayhem Makes Merry
No-one Nails Notes
Oranges Omit Oats
People Pretend Peace
Quiz Quails Quickly
Royalty Raids Rome
Soccer Soars Skies
Teddies Turned Terrible
Umbrellas Unite Uglies
Very Violent Violets
We Win Worlds
X-mas Xeroxes X-ray's
Yelling Yoda's Young
Zany Zebras Zap
When... ABC met Me...
Written by
Onna Neechan
Humorous A's
An Apple Across Acres Accordingly Accosted, Angelic Answers Awaits!
Written by
A.E. Rivenbark
humor, humorous,
Poppy Parrot
Poppy the parrot
Picked pus from a pimple’s peak
but then Poppy pricked Poe’s pajama pole
Patrolman Pat picked Poppy up by his beak
Prisoned Poppy pleads for parole
and pecks popcorn and crumbs all week
Written by
Katherine Stella
funny, seasons, visionary,
That Sneaky Santa {alliteration}
Sexy Sally saw Santa sneaking snacks
Cakes cookies coke cola cold cuts
Belly bouncing busting buttons badly
Flop flop Fizz fizz feeling full
looking like lazy lounge lizard
T.V. televised the terrible truth that
man made mistake mocking magic
while watching wild woman wander
Happy Holidays To All